Hi everyone,
I went for my biopsy results yesterday, I have never been so scared in all my life! They were running an hour late so the wait was even worse. I had been told that the chances were 50/50 so I had built myself up to get a yes or no (I think Id resigned myself to a yes).
When I went in the consultant said that the biopsies had come back negative but they didnt tally with the mammogram so they wanted me to have an mri. This threw me completely and my mind went blank! I asked what else could cause my swollen lymph node and he said something but I only caught the end of it. “fighting a malignant tumour”. I asked when the mri would be and he just said I’d have to wait for an appointment in the post. He didnt elaborate on anything and I felt very rushed as though they were trying to make up some time as they were running so late.
I feel like I’m still in limbo, I feel a bit daft for not asking lots of questions but I’d only thought of questions to ask if it was a yes!
I remember when I had the biopsies they had to keep trying as they said the lump was hard and they were breaking through it. My nipple is inverted and I have had discharge.
Has this happened to anyone else? What would they have seen on the mammorgram that is still causing them concern? I have a longish lump on the right hand sife of the breast and a dense area to the left hand side of the same breast.
I have telephoned the BCN this morning and left a message asking for them to go over the results with me but they close at lunch time so I don’t expect they will ring back until next week now.
I feel so confused, I almost think I would have felt better if I’d got a yes and this is what we are going to do about it. Is that really bad? I just hate the not knowing and the waiting.
Anyone with any advice or similar stories to share I would greatly appreciate it xxx