Biopsy results in a letter?

Hello, I am looking for some support and advice. I found a lump in my breast 6 weeks, got referred to the breast clinic and had my appointment 2 weeks ago.

During the appointment the surgeon was quite confident it was a cyst however during the ultrasound the consultant radiologist said it’s not a cyst and is a mass and would need to take a biopsy. I am now waiting for the biopsy results.

I spoke to the clinic and they said I was put forward to this weeks MDT and they would either phone me today or I would receive a letter. I know they would not send a cancer diagnosis results via a letter but is there a possibility they would send benign (Fibroadenoma) results via a letter? I work in the NHS and I just have a feeling they wouldn’t do this?
Should I be expecting a letter with an appointment at the clinic to discuss the results.

Sorry for the long rant, and I know I am over thinking everything!
Thank you.

Hi @vangirl22 I very much expect the letter will be an appointment. And if it is, it is not necessarily bad news either.

I have been called to clinic following biopsies three times now. I remember one time waiting two hours past the appointment time (you can imagine how the nerves were getting on!), only to go in and be back out again within a minute having been told everything was fine! :slightly_smiling_face:

Fingers crossed you have positive news - the waiting always seems to be the hardest part so try not to focus on the ‘what-ifs’ too much…

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@leelee1 Thank you so much for your reply. I also thought the letter would be an appointment.

I highly doubt I will get the phone call today seeing as it is 16:20?

Pleased to hear you had good news. Thanks again. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t2:

Probably not, but if you do hear anything and have any questions then just reach out… we’re all happy to support in whatever way we can.


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Hi @vangirl22
All results go to mdt meeting not just cancer , then you will get a letter for a appointment to discuss results or treatment if you need any I know it’s stressful waiting try not to over think hints easier said than done we all do it .
Good luck x

Hi @charlottebee

Thanks for your reply, I know that all cases go to MDT. The surgeon said I would receive a phone call with the results within 10-14 days. No mention of needing to come back to the clinic. So when they mentioned a letter it surprised me that this is probably a face to face appointment letter.

The waiting feels the worse past especially as it’s been over 2 weeks and that they know the results plus I live a 5minute walk from the hospital, so close yet so far.

That’s so tough living so close , when I had my biopsies I had the opposite that it was properly benign so wasn’t so worried . They said 3 weeks for results that included mdt meeting said would get letter for results , I had an appointment within the 3 weeks , the waiting is so tough.
Sending best wishes Xxx

@vangirl22 how are you doing? Did you get a phone call?
Was just thinking it may be worth looking on nhs app to see if appointment is showing in there if you haven’t heard anything yet…