Biopsy Results / In agony

Hi, I’m posting this in this category too as I’m not sure how this works, but for context I am 23, loads of breast cancer history in my family and I’ve had a growing lump for two years.

It took a year for me to finally have a biopsy, after many different doctors either telling me that I had a lump that definitely needed to be removed, or that there was no lump even there. Madness!

My symptoms have been bloody nipple discharge, a lump and I am in consistent pain all in my left breast every day of the month and have been for months.

After a year of being referred so many times and feeling like I was being made out to sound insane and naive, they finally did a biopsy. The results came back benign fibroadenoma (they sent a letter that I didn’t receive) and they discharged me.

However, they didn’t use the ultrasound to scan for the nipple discharge or the rest of my breast they only scanned the lump. So I have no answers to what is causing that, and their attitude was if it’s bothering me that much to just get re-referred. And they have said they won’t remove the lump as it’s not big enough, even though I am in absolute agony with it.

Where do I even go from here? :frowning:

Hi @starbornsea,

Firstly, I am so sorry to hear what you have been going through and that your experience with your referrals has been less than ideal. I’m sure this is an extremely anxious time for you, and I hope that the forum can provide some support and comfort - it’s a very friendly place.

I can see that you’ve also posted this in the Ask Our Nurses section, this means that a Nurse will respond to your question there. If the meantime you would like to speak to one of our nurses on the phone, to ask them questions or if you just need a bit of support, you can reach them on 0808 800 6000.

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