Hi all
Ive just came across this site whilst doing the 'dreaded google search! I am waiting for biopsy results on monday. My mammogram and ultrasound results came back as suspicion 5! I think according to my internet searching that this is probable malignancy. The consultant and specialist nurse certainly suggessted this on discussion with them.
I having been spending all week waiting for results getting prepered for xmas but starting to get very frustrated with the not knowing!! Arghhh
Sorry just had a big rant!
Hi M
Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care Discussion Forums. I’m sure other forum users will be along soon to offer support but please do also remember that the BCC Helpline is there if it would help to talk to someone in confidence, it offers information and support. Lines reopen at 9am on Monday Tel 0808 800 6000.
With best wishes,
Anna, BCC Facilitator
That makes 3 of us that i’ve counted today all waiting until 17th for biopsy reults. Roll on Monday. I’ve had to wait since 29th Nov when i had 6 core biopsies done. They saw about 5cm x 2cm of calcifications. Am now prepared. The worst time was the first week waiting but then i just got on with things. Feel ridiculously calm about it all.
Will be thinking of you other two when i’m there.
I have posted about 4 times but can’t see any of them so here goes once again. There’s 4 of us I can see all awaiting core biopsy results on 17th. Will be thinking of you all. Lozza, Breeze and mammy
It wont be long till Monday now, sending this to the top for love and support. Tracy xxx
The waiting is the worst bit, once you know what you are dealing with it somehow becomes manageable and you will be able to focus on any treatment you need And whatever the outcome, you will get lots of support from the lovely people on this forum.
i will be thinking of you on Monday.
Jayne x
Hi toriaconey
Welcome to the BCC discussion forums where I am sure you will get lots of support from the many informed users of this site.
You haven’t been able to see your posts over night as being a new user your first few posts are checked and read by a moderator before going live on the site. You should be able to see all your posts from now on.
We have just started a new area of these forums especially for new users if you would like to post here and introduce yourself:
Take care,
Jo, Facilitator
Hi Mammy2Two, I think there are at least four of us awaiting results tomorrow, it’s good to know there are a few others out there going through the same thing. I wish you best of luck - come back and let us know how you get on.
Best of luck tomorrow to you all who are awaiting results.
Hi all i too am waiting on results which i am getting on Tues when i see the consultants at half past four, the wait is agonising and very emotional. i am pregnant so very tearful too. the only thing they have told me is that i will need surgey, chemo and my lymph tested positive. dont know type or grade but that will be told to me Tues. just feel so alone and sick thinking that my poorly boob is still there poisioning my body, just want it gone. so scared right now and cant focus on anything. i have a little girl of two she keeps me busy but doesnt take my mind off things. its comforting to see everyones posts on here xxxxx
Thankyou all so much for your lovely comments. Wishing everyone luck today. Will be thinking of each of you xxx
Hope you all have good news today. My results day is Friday and really do know what you are going through.
x x
Good luck to all the ladies that get their test results today and this week.
Funki x x x