I am 37 and had breast core biopsy and lymph aspiration biopsies on Friday last week. Tomorrow I go for my results. When I seen the bs last week she said the breast lump looked like cancer and that at my ultrasound it was noted that 2 of my nodes looked inflamed hence the biopsies. I am trying to busy myself today but I actually feel like I could throw up with worry. Any tips as to how to keep myself sane ? I am terrified what they will tell me tomorrow. K.
Hello k26 - you are in the place that we call “the waiting room”. You will find this hard to believe but this is as bad as it gets in my opinion. Waiting for results is awful, the worry fills your head with “what ifs” Once you get your results then believe me, you will feel a bit better - and if the results show you have cancer then there will be a treatment plan and you can then get cracking with kicking the squatters into oblivion.
If they have found cancer from the biopsy but nothing from the fine needle aspiration of your lymph - they will probably suggest a SNB (sentinal node biopsy) just to make sure that your lymph nodes are clear.
I was stage/grade 3 with invasive lobular cancer, plus 11/12 nodes tested positive. That was in May 2011 - 8 x chemotherapy, radical mastectomy, 15 x radiotherapy - all done and dusted. Yes it was a tough time, I lost all my hair but not my sense of humour - and lots and lots of lovely (and slightly crazy) ladies in this forum kept me going. And now I am just 4 weeks away from having a breast reconstruction. Life is good - better than before bc in many ways, mainly because I appreciate it much more now.
Good luck with your results tomorrow - and please come back and tell us. We see so many worried people waiting for results and the ones that get good news sometimes forget to come back and tell us.
Hang on in there K26. The waiting is the worst thing but it won’t be long now. There is nothing you can do to alter things, what is in your breast is in your breast, worry and panic won’t make it go away. Take deep breaths, go for a walk and get some fresh air, try to eat (chocolate helps a lot), forget all the “what ifs”, have a long soak in the bath, and please make sure you have someone to go with you tomorrrow. I promise you that once you know what you have and have an initial treatment plan you will gain some control over all this crap.
Good luck xxxx
I guess I am thinking most about my wee girl. She is 3. I have no plans to go anywhere soon but I guess I always assumed I would stay healthy until old age. My beautiful big sister died 3 years ago of complications arising from treatment for non hodgkins lymphoma and I think I though that lightening wouldn’t strike twice in my family. My family have been through so much already and my parents aren’t getting any younger. They do know I’ve biopsied.
Hi K26,
I am sorry you have to go through this. I have just stepped out of the Waiting Room, and after three weeks of convincing myself of the worst case, we had the best results we could have hoped for under the circumstances, even the surgeon was surprised at the pathology. I am sure that the reality cannot be worse than we are already imagining.
You have found a good place to get support, from all the wonderful people on this forum. I will be thinking of you tomorrow.
best wishes,
Hi K
I can only endorse what all the other ladies have said, this is the worst part and I feel for you right now. I got the news on Monday after a 3 week wait that I do have BC, and once I had digested the news, now feel calmer as I have a treatment plan to focus on in order to get it cured.
I wish you lots of good wishes for tomorrow.
Julie xxx
Thanks for the kind replies. I am a nervous wreck but this time tomorrow at least I will know what I am up against. Can’t see much happening in the way of sleep tonight though x