Biopsy results tomorrow

Hello ladies,

I found a lump in my left breast on 23rd Feb. By chance the week before I received an appointment for a routine mammogram which I had on 27th Feb and unsurprisingly was called straight back in.

Yesterday I had an ultrasound and 2 biopsies. The doctor said its very likely BC. The lump is about 20mm. I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon for the results. I am 54 and there is no history of BC in my family. My husband has been fabulous but no one else knows. No need until we know. Even thinking about telling our kids destroys me.

To say I just want to get off this rollercoaster would be an understatement. Reading the posts here has both calmed me and thrown me into a complete panic! I feel like I’m walking in treacle, can’t sleep, can’t eat and so on, but then I’m preaching to the converted. I have no understanding yet of all of the different possible outcomes, i guess we just need to get through tomorrow. 

Sorry for rambling but I think that’s a fair indication of what’s going on in my head at the moment.

Thanks for listening, Kath.

Your story is similar to mine, except I did not feel my lump it was detected during a routine mammogram.

Its very hard to stay calm but try and be patient, the waiting is the worst. Once you have biopsy results things will move quite fast if Bc is found.

Good Luck.