Biopsy Results

Biopsy Results

Biopsy Results Results show Micro Calcification non-cancerous but, atypical cells are present. One more result due which is a protein marker test -have to return to clinic on Friday for this result. Am booked in on 13th April for Wire guided excision procedure.

Offering my best whises to all who are expecting their results soon.

Jackie x

Good luck Hi Jackie

I had my wire guided excision on 26th Feb for microcalcification. Mine was enclosed in a fibroadeoma which they removed. The procedure is not too bad at all and all I have is a scar of about one and a half inches long, not bad considering my lump was very deep and 18mm x 11mm x 5mm. No more treatment was needed afterwards.

Good luck with it and hopefully you will get the same result.

Yvonne x

Good luck for the rest of your results and your procedure, hope it all goes well.