Birkenhead buddies

Hi Anna
How did yesterday go? hope it was ok and you got the news you wanted and your op date, my chemo was as expected talked about picc line but decided against it, took 2 times to find a vein lol, saw Dr Malik told him I’ve been having a lot of headaches been waking up in the morning with them and they are quite painful,analgesics don’t settle them either, so he’s sending me for a scan which is worrying I thought it was just a side effect of the chemo and perhaps he could give me a stronger painkiller, will have to wait and see, bit tired today will have a nap in a minute.
Take care Carole xx

Hi Carole, well i got a date for mastectomy, 5th January, miss callahan was lovely, sooooo down to earth. She said they will also be taking all lymph nodes that they see. I will check out the dates for pamper day.
It must be really worrying about the headaches, easy to say try not to worry, not so easy to do. I do remember having headaches on the EC, hopefully it is related to the chemo, fingers crossed for you. You will have your scan and all will be well. It is scarey when you get aches and pains. Thats why i cant wait to get this taken out of me! They cant do immediate recon unfortunately, but i was half expecting that really after reading info on here. Last chemo this Wednesday, yay i cant believe that part will be over. At the beginning i couldnt imagine getting through 8 cycles, now im nearly there.
Did they say when the scan is likely to be?
take care

Hi Anna
Good news not too long to wait for op,was it your first time meeting miss Callahan? glad you like her, its my birthday on the 3rd so I will be thinking of you on the 5th. I was told the scan should be in the next couple of weeks,do you know whether its Clatterbridge or Arrowe park for the scan? I then see Dr Malek in 3 weeks same day as chemo but in the morning 11.30 my chemo is 2.30, still might have time to go to The Glegg Arms for lunch might be treated you never know seeing as its nearly Christmas. Wow next Wednesday for your last chemo lets hope it goes smoothly,at least it will be your good weeks when Christmas comes along. Once your feeling up to it we will have our treat our pamper day but give it a week or two after op, as it will probably be a tiring day. I’v’e been up and down to day one minute hot next cold, had a couple of hours in bed this afternoon felt exhausted, they’ve changed the steroids only take them twice a day not three times, think its made a difference felt more nauseas too, not on the high I have been previously.
Take care Carole xx

Hi Carole, my bone scan was clatterbridge but ct was at Arrowe. Have you taken your when required antisickness? It may help. I find a bowl of porridge the first days after chemo helps with nausea. Just think, by monday you will be feeling more back to normal, and another one out the way. Next time you go tell then how sickly you have felt, they may put your meds back to what they were.
Im looking forward to pamper day.
take care

p.s. the stuff you drink for the ct reminded me of pernod!

Hi Anna
Thanks for the information I rather like pernod. Will soldier on this cycle but haven’t been sick just felt nauseas, tablets just tie me over just annoying to feel this way. I’ve been having ready break really nice and yes it does help.
I’m looking forward to pamper day too.
Take care Carole x

Hi Carole, i hope you are feeling better, just think 1 more to tick off, like me you will soon be appoaching the last one and it will all be behind you soon. Just put your feet up and watch rubbish tv, sleep when you need to and you will soon wake up feeling better again.
take care

Hi Anna
Chemo’s taken it’s toll this time felt more under the weather than normal, got my CT scan 17th at Clatterbridge says about an intravenous injection during the scan don’t fancy that much, wish I’d never told him about the headaches as I’m sure it’s nothing. Well your last chemo is here tomorrow hope you cheer once it’s over just think by Christmas day you will be able to celebrate getting through a rough time and come out the other side then all you have to concentrate on is getting fit for your op. I think for me it will be the first Christmas of my adult life that I will not be cooking Christmas dinner OH is looking forward to cooking it and I have faith that it will be a good meal, he gets anxious cooking for me as I am a qualified chef and he doesn’t want to disappoint me, far from it I can relax for a change this year, shame I wont be able to have a drink although one glass of wine shouldn’t hurt.Anyway all the best for tomorrow and another hurdle over with, will be thinking of you.
Take care Carole x

hi Carole, dont worry too much about the injection, it will be over with before you know it. As i say the drink before hand is like pernod, well i thought it was anyway. I think my scan took around 30 mins, but no longer. At least hopefully when you get the scan results it will be all clear and put your mind at rest.
Started my steroids this morning, yuck, i hate them, going to take advantage of the steroids and paint the ceiling.
Sorry you aint been feeling good, how many do you have left? I always find i feel better if i try and eat. Ginger nuts work on the nausea for me too.
Wow you are a qualified cook? big party at yours then when all is finished lol?
hope you start feeling better soon
take care

Hi Anna
How you feeling? hope the side effects have been easy on you this time,I expect you feel euphoric now that you have got past your last one. Nearly ready for Christmas, thinking about the new years eve party were going to, its a posh frock do, so I’m scouring ebay at the moment trying to find something, OH ok all he has to do is get a bow tie, and wear his suit, not just a bow tie lol shame. I’ve got the scan 17th Dec then chemo and results on the 23rd, will be glad when Christmas is here. How did your ceiling go get it painted ok?
Take care Carole xx

hi Carole, sorry i aint been here, i found that last cycle a bit rough, so glad there isnt a number 9!
Have you got your party wear sorted? men do have it soooo easy dont they? You must be nervous about the scan appt, i have everything crossed that you get a good result. Are you still getting headaches? I remember getting headaches on the EC and the nurse told me it was the cyclophosphamide part of it, as it affects the sinus’s, they administered it over a longer time and this seemed to help. I really hope that its just a side effect of this you are getting.
It feels really liberating to have had my last chemo, even more liberating to have picc line out and be able to bathe without clingfilm! and to be able to submerge under the water, the simply things in life aye? My head is really getting furry now, (like my mouth at the mo) im actually going into shops now with my hat on and getting too hot! Hopefully once this last cycle is out of the way, itll grow even faster!
good luck for the 17th,
take care

hi Carole, good luck with your scan, will be thinking of you and fingers are crossed.
take care

Hi Anna
Scan went ok thanks for thinking of me, didn’t have anything to drink just the intravenous injection, the side effects were a bit harsh, bit wobbly on the legs, still ok today, will find out results next Wednesday but I’m not worried as I’m sure its going to be clear.
Going to my mother-in-laws 50th birthday party tonight (yes she is 11 months younger than me) my husband is younger than me, as you might have guessed, I’m doing her cake for her she wants a mobile phone cake, she wanted me to do her catering but didn’t want to let her down at the last minute the cake will be enough. Then tomorrow night going for Christmas dinner at the derby pool in New Brighton, with friends there’s 8 of us do it every year, looking forward to that. What are your plans for Christmas?
Take care Carole x

Hi Carole, fingers crossed for the scan results. I hope you have fun at your partys,its nice to just chill and enjoy yourself. I had an appt at the hospital yesterday (just a checkup following teeth extraction) we were seen really fast and so went for a lovely walk in the local park there, (Arrowe) and then walked up to Prenton and had a lovely pub dinner. We drank way too much wine but had such a lovely day. We are going to a party on monday too, the festive season is most definately here! My OH is younger than me too, by 3 months lol, he calls me his sugar mummy, i call him crumpet boy! I think i look younger though!

Hi Anna
Party’s went well got more tired than I expected even this far down the road from last cycle, obviously taking its toll even though you don’t realise it, were usually the last to leave lol. Had to go to the Dr yesterday got a chest infection also asthma is quite bad so put me on antibiotics and steroids, hope it doesn’t make a difference with my chemo tomorrow although I don’t want it I don’t want to delay it either, Go to see Malek at 11.30 for scan results but chemo not booked in till 2.20 so hopefully I can get an earlier slot otherwise I will be there all day.
Anyway hope you have a happy Christmas and a healthy new year lets hope 2010 will be a lot better than 2009 for both of us.
Take care Carole xx

Hi Carole, good luck with your appt tomorrow, i have my fingers crossed that you get good news. 2010 has got to be better for us!
let me know how you get on?
take care

Hi Anna
Good news I have a brain, well I did wonder, and no problems so alls well. Chemo was given so chest infection didn’t make a difference. Speak after the festivities hope you have a great Christmas.
Take care Carole xx

Hi Carole, thats such good news, what a lovely christmas present, im sooooo pleased for you. Have a lovely christmas, speak to you soon.
take care

Hello ladies ,hope its ok me just popping on here ,i go to linda mac centre ,am not on posh side of the mersey!!!,happy and healthy new year to you all ,luv barb xxxxx

Hi Barb
Welcome to the posh side!!! happy new year to you too. haven’t been on here since before christmas not been in the mood to, what with SE from chemo and trying to enjoy christmas not easy, but I’m hoping this year will be a better year.
Take Care Carole