Birkenhead buddies

Anyone from the Birkenhead wirral area? would like to chat?

Hi Carole, i found it, yay. I was going to start one but you beat me to it lol. I have just had my porridge, i always have that on day of steroids, puts a great layer on tummy. My consultant feels that nausea on the docetaxel is due to the steroids, so i double up on the omeprazole and have porridge, seems to work. I didnt sleep well last night so going back to sleep for an hour, i remember the days of 2 hours sleep then out for parade (was in the TA) i like my sleep these days! Definately would be great to meet up if we time it between chemos, for when you are better again and me. My last cycle i was feeling better again by monday, hope this goes as well!
take care

Hi ladies, not on the wirral but in Liverpool. I am currently at Clatterbridge every day for my radiotherapy and having chemo at Linda McCartney.

Sheila x

hi Sheila, nice to meet you, i am at clatterbridge and so is Carole, different days though. I guess you are in a different area for radiotherapy but if you are ever in the chemo area im usually the one stuffing my face with a baked spud before being called through for chemo. How is it going for you? are you coping with the radiotherapy?
take care

Hi Anna, yes the radiotherapy is on the ground floor, I am doing OK and skin is holding up nicely so far. Still got 19 to go, got number 12 this pm. The combination of rads and chemo is very tiring but it will bring my treatment to a close during January rather than March or April… so worth the suffering…!

Hope it is going well for you.

Sheila xx

Anna and Carole,

Have posted on the other thread. Please read what i have written.

Julie xx

Hi All
How you feeling Anna hope your SE have abated, I’ve still just got the yucky mouth and still a few ulcers but using salty water seems to help tastes horrible though. Hi Sheila nice to meet with another of the Clatterbridge crew, I’ve got radiotherapy next year after chemo but I’m not thinking that far ahead yet, want to just concentrate on the task at hand. I have a headstrong appointment next Tuesday not sure what to expect but will, hopefully ,give me a confidence boost to my appearance as at present not liking going out with the wig on, don’t get me wrong its a nice wig you just feel everyone is staring and thinking is it or isn’t it, I must admit I’ve done it myself human nature I suppose. Got my first party to go to tonight a bit nervous, I do know everyone that’s going but they haven’t seen me in my wig yet.
Take care Carole xx

Hi Carole, The headstrong appt i had was great for teaching to tie headscalfes etc, worth the visit, i have not gone for the wig option though, and now that i think i would possibly consider trying one my hair is growing back, yay.
I have been to a few parties, mainly at the martial arts club i train, its good to get out and be ‘normal’ i think initially people were very much asking how i was, and treatment etc, but i avoid them conversations because i go to enjoy myself. Im sure that once you relax, you will enjoy yourself too. Just avoid hugging any ill or snotty looking people lol.
The saltwater gets better, and so worth it to solve problems with mouth, not nice if you swallow a bit though lol, although i gargle with it too if throat starts feeling sore. I know a lot of mouthwashes can be quite harsh for the chemo mouth too, and dont forget the soothing ice lolly.
cant wait to hear about your fun night out tonight, enjoy yourself, you deserve it.
take care

Hi All
How are you all ok I hope,sorry not been on for a few days, had a few off days where things upset me with a drop of a hat, feeling ok today though, as to be expected I suppose can’t always have a smile on your face can you,although I do try, it just hits you sometimes doesn’t it. Went to the party the other night had a good time, was given a bit of a boost some one who hadn’t seen me for sometime didn’t know I had a wig on she thought it was my own hair which pleased me, so I will now feel a bit more confident going out.
Wow Anna the TA and martial arts you put me to shame you must be a very fit lady.
Take care Carole x

Hi everyone, Carole i have been out of it myself for a few days, i think after 7 cycles my body is thinking its had enough of chemo. I have slept on and off for 3 days i think, only waking to watch rubbish tv. Im not sure i want the 8th cycle, i think i will ask oncologist how much difference it will make as tumour not shrinking anyway. Although i know this doesnt mean it isnt working its just so frightening and frustrating that i could be going through all this to find out it hasnt made a bit of difference. I am also scared that if it isnt working then the longer its being left the more time its go to spread. My oncologist keeps saying that it no longer feels fixed on chest wall, but i can feel it from inside, and i think it does. Anyway sorry, im feeling really sorry for myself, its just so rubbish aint it?
Yes, i used to be superfit, also did running and swimming, get out of breath walking up the stairs now, how bad is that! When i have had my op i am going to treat myself to a treadmill, to help build up some fitnss again, i suspect im going to have to start slow.
You must have looked great in your wig, is it similar to your own hair like in your photo?
Whens your next chemo?
sorry for the moan.
take care

Hi Anna
Moan away, if you can’t moan on here where can you, it does help to talk so you carry on were here to listen. Went to the Headstrong appointment the other day got my free scarf, so got something else to wear, got some good info off them about looking after my scalp so was worth going. They suggested about going to the Look good feel better, pamper day the trouble is they get really booked up and there’s nothing till January, have you been yet perhaps we could go together, be a nice day out. My next chemo is next wed 2nd not looking forward to it as my arm is still hurting from the last one, but its my 3rd so half way through, think I read your triple negative like me, not happy about that but what can you do, except it and carry on or sit and worry.
My wig is similar to my photo except has a fringe and a darker brown.
Take care Carole x

Hi Carole, thanks for that, appt has been brought forward to next wednesday with the surgeon, tumour pain seems to be settling now, so maybe its the chemo reacting with the cancer thats causing the pain. Fingers crossed. With regards to your arm, have you considered a line? I have had a picc line in since 2nd treatment, it has saved my veins. Although a bit of a pain to live with, with things like bathing and it doesnt feel very attractive having it attached to your arm. Worth it to save veins though. My last chemo is the 9th dec, so line can come out then.
Id be up for the look good feel good, not sure when surgery will be though, will know more next wednesday. saying that, i guess the first week in january would be a safe bet, i can always cancel it if it clashes with surgery.
Yes i am triple neg too, typical aye?
although i like the way Val looks at it as 8 years with no reoccurance and you are classed as cured. I dont think its as doom and gloom as i first thought, because its a new finding, stats are only a few years old. Its not great though, but hey we are going to beat this. I mentioned to Dr Malik about an article i read on here about infections in toothroot being linked to breast cancer, he laughed and said stop reading articles lol, but i have had problems for some years and kept putting it off, just getting antibiotics off doc in work, so it wouldnt surprise me if theres a link. Due to finally be getting 2 teeth out on monday, yay!
It would be nice to meet up too, at the point in our cycles when we are human again, you are a week ahead of me so maybe the week after my chemo? it could double as a celebration to me finishing chemo yay.
good luck next week
take care

Hi Anna
What time is your appointment next Wednesday as I’m over there then my chemo is 2.30 but obviously have to be there earlier for bloods.

hi Carole, my appt is 1630 over in the breast centre unit though

Hi Anna
Probably be gone before you get there then oh well just a thought.

yes good idea, not sure how long i will be though, hope i aint waiting ages

Hi Anna
How you doing? Hows your gums after your teeth extraction not nice is it.Hope all goes well next Wednesday and you hear the news you want to hear, and that the chemo was worth doing. It will be great if we can book look good feel better together as it’s suppose to be a good session, and you get a bag of make up to bring home which will be a nice treat. lets find out what’s what after your appointment on Wednesday I don’t mind when it is even if we leave it till February I’m quite happy as long as I go at some stage.
Take care Carole x

hi Carole, i will find out when op is likely to be then get it booked. I have been wanting to go but have put it off, but with someone to go with, it will be better. I think definately work it for the goodies.
I get my teeth out on monday, at long last! I have been busy working on my kitchen, absolutely knackered now, i look forward to getting decent energy levels back.
I lost my last eyebrow hair today, not that 1 made that much difference but now have none.
Are you feeling ready for next cycle? I hope it goes well for you.
take care

Hi Anna
How are you, anxious about tomorrow I expect, at least you will be a bit further ahead than what you are, op date and hopefully some good news on your lump. I’m not looking forward to chemo the only thing about it is I’m 1/2 way through tomorrow.
Hows your gums? not too sore I hope after your extraction.
You made me laugh about your 1 solitary eyebrow hair that you had been nurturing has fallen out, sorry for laughing but if you don’t laugh you cry. Hows you eyelashes? still in tact I hope.
Don’t know how we will go about booking LGFG appointment whether 1 of us books it for both of us or we book individually hopefully getting the same date we will have to chat about it later on ok, something to look forward to, apparently they call it pamper day now as your there for 1/2 a day.
Take care Carole x

Hi Carole, how are you? dont worry, this cycle will be fine for you, you know what to expect now and you will sail through it. As you say half way through too, its amazing how great it is to reach a goal post. Im a little anxious about tomorrow, i always get anxious they will give me bad news. I was terified getting my 2 teeth out yesterday, but did it, and survived. I felt like i had been punched in the face yesterday, but much better today. My partner came with me and did his usual rubbing my feet, hes great, so loving and supportive, i am so lucky. Although i will say, when going for last chemo, he did say to me, you have been lucky and havent suffered too much have you? lol i just said to him, actually i have, im just really good at struggling on. The cheeky so and so!
My last chemo a week tomorrow! Picc line out a week tomorrow, yay!
Oh yes and when they checked my bloods to do my teeth, they were almost back to normal and that was only day 12! just shows how resilient our bodies are, and maybe that them nasty injections to boost bone marrow production, really are worth it!
The pamper day, maybe if we try book it together, and then if not book it individually? Will hopefully know more tomorrow about surgery date.
My eyelashes are just stubble now too, maybe they are beginning to grow? or just the smaller ones not fallen out? Watch this space.
good luck tomorrow, we take a crossword book as diversion therapy, it does seem to work for me.
take care