
Had breast cancer 3 years ago, stage 1 no chemo or radiotherapy.  Had mastectomy and have taken tamoxifen ever since.  Was wondering if this treatment is still offered to people like myself age 53 or wether the treatment has been updated to bishophostates and Armidex.  Is it too late to have Bishophostates 3 years after being diagnosed.

I wasn’t given the option of bisphosphonates, only offered Tamoxifen - 56 this year - I am having radiotherapy following WLE.  Don’t know if having RT makes a difference to the type of hormone therapy you are offered.


Best to talk to your oncologist for the options available to you.





Hi Geranium


Have researched bisphosphonates and you have to start them within 6 months of starting active treatment

It appears that not all NHS trusts are prescribing them


Best wishes

Hello ladies
I read in daily mail yesterday that a lot of hospitals are prescribing biowhatsics (or bone juice!) As a aftercare treatment for primary bc as standard as they can prevent secondary bone mets by a huge percentage and they only cost 42p a day.
So it looks like it could be standard after treatment