Sorry your side effects were so bad. I had flu like symptoms for several days which wasn’t as long as the chemo side effects and it’s only every 6 months.So for me, it was worth a few down days.
I would talk to your team as they will have decided whether you need the treatment using the Predict tool as to whether you should stop.
I hope you feel better soon.
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I felt AWFUL and the pain was horrific
Worse than chemo but have heard the 1st is the worst
Didn’t help that I started Letrozole too and that’s giving me quite a bit of bone/ joint pain too
Hope you’re feeling btr x
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Definitely feeling better today but was just a shock at how horrible i felt . Im also taking exemestane tablets which come with there own side effects,just wasnt expecting to feel so poorly with the infusion.
Hope everyone feeling better now till the next one xxxx