Hi all
Is there anyone out there that can make me feel better. I have had a good day today. Going into hospital tomorrow for my mastectomy and I have just got home and collapsed in my son’s arms and upset him. I don’t feel that I can ring anyone bacause I don’t want to upset them. Please help me snap out of this
Deb x
Hi Debs sorry to hear that you are so upset but you are allowed .I had my mastectomy last october and you will cope trust me …Its not as bad as you imagine and if it gets rid then bonus ,my son used to look at my funny if i held it togetherb he was fine but tears.We all have to cry sometime …especially when we lose a bit of us …but you will get through it…I promise xxxxxxxxxxxx I kept my feelings hidden to everione around me for fear of upsetting them and pushed them away but I know now that i have needed them to get me through the last months you will cry you will laugh .but you will survive xxxxx
Maz xxx
Hi Deb
I was in your shoes in November so I completely understand where you are coming from. I did tell people that I was really scared and emotional about the operation and it really helped. The day before my operation I was very emotional about the mastectomy but when I got to the hospital, the staff and other patients were so lovely that I couldn’t be sad anymore. The lead up to it all is very hard but I think you’ll find that after the operation you will feel really relieved. If you have any friends who you think would be understanding, please do get in contact with them as you’d be surprised how good people can be and you need all the support you can get right now - it’s all about you and quite rightly so.
Thinking of you and wishing you all the best for tomorrow.
Love Ruby xxx
Hi Debs
I’m sending you big hugs Debs. We are all here for you.
Love Claire x
Hi Deb
I thought you may find tonights live chat session from 9pm - 10pm of interest, live chat is Breast Cancer Care’s online chat facility where you can talk to others in real time. It is facilitated by an expert moderator and a nurse who are on hand to point you to sources of help and information. But for most people, the chance to talk to others in a similar situation is what counts, simply use the same login details for both the live chat and the forums, see the link breastcancercare.org.uk/content.php?page_id=6218 or if you need anymore information post back and we will be happy to help.
Kind regards
Sorry to hear that you are having a bad day … it’s understandable.
sending love and hugs.
Hi Deb
I was exactly the same a few weeks ago if you remember.It is a very emotional time ,after and now Ifeel a huge sense of relief that the cancer has been taken away and thrown in the bin.
Keep your chin up and good luck
No wonder you are so upset. It is a big thing you are going through. You won’t have even had chance to get your head round the diagnosis and now your going to have your breast removed. If I was a psychiatrist (which thankfully for mankind, I am not!) I would say you are very very normal and anyone who went in to hospital without a care needed the men in white coats!!! As Mary wisely says, you will feel a huge sense of relief once you come round from your surgery. Your son will survive seeing you upset. How old is he?
Hi Debs
Im new to this site - hope everything goes well. Im 35 and was so scared and felt feeble at the thought of having my masectomy- I have a majour fear of needles and have never ever been in hospital before - the only thing I can tell you is that it hurts, but not half as much as I expected, more awkard than pain. I was sedated before surgery which didnt help at all but in the end the care I recieved made me stay in hospital for a whole week - cant belive I done that as Im such a wuss - Im now 6 weeks down the line and never thought i’d be able to move my arm the way I can and yet Im back at work full time, out with my friends, driving and living my life before chemo starts and feel apart from falsie (im big chested) feel Im the old Lisa (god cant beleive Im saying that when so scared on it all)
good luck
Hi Deb,
The other day I had the worst day I have had in about 6 months for a stack of reasons and I felt about to go off the edge.At that minute my normal support network were all unavailable so I rang the staff at the number given on this website. I felt a twerp at first and embarassed for “having to resort” to it but i’m really glad I did. Once i’d stopped sobbing we had a long chat and worked out what to to next to deal with the particular problem i was having. It really helped me get things into perspective and I felt much calmer and better equipped to face the rest of the day. In the end I got what I needed, (wisdom tooth x-ray and antibiotics).
The lady I spoke to was really nice and empowered me. So if you feel the need again please ring them. I couln’t have got by on my own at that point and i’m really grateful for the support,
Kay xxx
I’ll second that about the BCC phone line. I rang up on an unrelated unemotional topic (enquiring about Healthy Living Days) and ended up blubbing down the phone because my arm hurt! I reckon the nurse at the end of the BCC phone knew exactly what was happening from the minute I rang, and she was fantastic, just listened to me and told me that my arm matters and I can ask to have some help with it. Really empowering as the previous poster said.
Hi Debs
As flyright and viloetta have mentioned it can really help to share your fears and concerns with one of out trained members of staff from the BCC helpline. If you decide you would like to call them the number is 0808 800 6000 and are open Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm and Saturday, 9am - 2pm.
I hope this is of help to you.
Kind regards
BCC Facilitator
Hi Debs, I guess by the time you read this you’ll be back at home and i hope all went well and u weren’t too uncomfortable.
i had my op on 27 December and doing Christmas for the family was a feat of split personality!!! Not helped when the hosp rang just as we were sititng down for our christmas eve meal - which marks the start of christmas in our house… they were just asking a few pre ‘check in qs’ but being asked for next of kin… eek… the op was ok for me in terms of pain etc and i am hoping that it has been for u.
The first few weeks can be a bit weird but it does get better and lots of people will help you on here and i hope in real.
With very best wishes