Bit of good news...


Saw my consultant again today, still not got the results of my second biopsy through yet with the receptor status and stuff but she did have my CT scan results which showed no spread to my lungs or liver. Phew!! I think there is some lymph node involvement with my breast cancer but I’ll take this bit of good news for now.


Bone scan tomorrow. I’ve had a sore knee for the past few weeks but hoping that’s either psychomatic or general decrepitude and wear and tear from years of ridiculously high heels… 


May allow myself another glass of medicinal red tonight!! 

Great news Cherry. Any little bit of good news must be savoured and most definitely celebrated with wine! Xxx

Great news. Xx

That’s great Cherry, enjoy your ?!

ann x




That is great news and you enjoy your medicinal glass of red xxxx

Enjoy your medicinal wine Cherry and stay positive!  Take care Anita x


Thanks lovelies!!! Xx

Great news

Cheers Cherry
Thanks for sharing this good news and well done for being so positive. You are right, any little good news means big good news to us. I’ve had a Guinness.xx

Sounding good to me, Cherrybakewell. ?Here’s to you. Onwards and upwards now. X

Hi Cherry Bakewell


Glad you got some good news. Hope that wee glass of red went down well xx

Brillant news cherry.

Debbie x

Excellent news Cherry.  Now time to kick that arsehole cancer into touch !!! Enjoy your red medicine :smileylol:

Michele xxx


Ha. Ironically I didn’t even have my medicinal glass of red.


I think I’m still looking at booze slightly askance and warily, as having reviewed all the risk factors for cancer, apart from being tall and having no children, alcohol use (as the medics seem to call it) is the only one I feel applies - even though I’ve never been a heavy drinker. Luckily I managed to overcome my distrust and have a glass of red and glass of Prosecco whilst out last night. Must admit that it’s not as enjoyable as it used to be now that with every sip I wonder whether I should be drinking wine at all… ?