Black and bloody discharge waiting on specialist appt.

I am 3 weeks post hysterectomy. Noticed black bloody discharge from left breast first thought was hysterectomy/hormonal caused, dr says doubtful. Waiting on appt. with breast specialist and nervous. Went thru heck the last yr with adenomyosis and cysts causing bleeding. The thought of  maybe breast cancer makes me shiver. Since surgery i have felt 10 times better than ever and was ready to give life a go with tons of energy. Now this has me stressing out again!

Hi henhousegal

Welcome to the BCC forums where you will find support from your fellow users, in addition our helpliners are on hand with practical and emotional support on 0808 800 6000 so please feel free to call to talk your concerns through, lines are open Saturdays 10-2 and weekdays 9-5

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi henhousegal,

I, like you, had a hysterectomy and double oopherectomy due to adenomyosis and endometriosis. I had a lot if issues with try overly, but got there in the end! That was in Oct '12.

I don’t have any experience of the discharge you’re describing, but you have done the right thing. I just wanted to say, the waiting is always the hardest part. You’ll see hundreds of posts on here about the dreaded waiting game.

It is very difficult, but my advice to you is to keep yourself busy and your mind occupied as much as possible while you are waiting. Different things work for different people. For me, I needed to keep my brain totally engaged, so lots of mentally challenging games, cryptic crosswords, quizzes etc. worked. Each to their own, but find something you enjoy and immerse yourself as much as you can!

It’s not much comfort right now, but rest assured, you will feel much better when you know what you’re dealing with. In the meantime, you just do whatever you can to get through each day.

Take care, keep busy, and come on here whenever you need support, or just to have a good rant! It all helps.

Best wishes, Mel. xx