For the last couple of months I have been having increasing problems with having to sprint to the loo. I seem to be unable to wait and feel my bladder is full. When I go, I pass very little. My urine has tested as no infection but they gave me antibiotics just in case !!
It is now suggested that it is a side effect of having no oestrogen. I had my ovaries out 2 years ago and am on Femara.
I am rather worried as this is getting worse and I wonder if I should ask to be referred to a specialist.
Has anyone else had these problems ? Any advice ?
Many Thanks
Hi Alison
I also have ‘toileting problems’ I have to wake at least twice a night, sometimes more! to go to the toilet and like you pass very little. I have an appointment to see somebody on Thursday about it! Will let you know how I get on! I have been taking Tamoxifen for 17 months and my periods have also stopped. (never returned after the chemo! I am 42) I am concerned that mine is some sort of damage to the ovaries, as I have a very tender abdomen most of the time.
It’s just one thing after the other isn’t it?
Take care
I’m post menopausal and on topical oestrogen for things like vaginal dryness and general irritability. I find when I use the oestrogen pessary once or twice a week I am constantly running to the loo on those days, it’s like a form of stress incontinence.
Hi Alison
I am someone who used to have bladder problems, in that I had lots of urinary tract infections, and at the end it was like having permanent cystitus until I had a urethreal dilatation, which cured it all, I now have problems again. I feel urgency to go regardless of the amount that there is to pass. I finished chemo in Oct and just finished rads, so will see if it settles down or not and then get it checked out if it doesn’t. I’ve only been on tamoxifen for 8 weeks. Honestly, if it’s not one thing it’s another side effect from all this. I think you should ask to get seen by a specialist, it can’t hurt and could help.
Thanks for your comments.
I went to see the GP again today. There is a lot of protein and a little blood in my urine. He has sent it off to repeat the microscopy to see if there is a low grade infection. I have also to have bloods done to check for kidney function and some bone markers. He also wants me to have an ultrasound as my lower abdomen is tender. Mind you he pressed so hard I think anyone would have felt tender !!
I am hoping it is just an infection.
As you say ,it’s one thing after another and always a niggling worry that this could be something significant.
Hi Alison glad to hear that you went to your GP. I too went yesterday, with pretty much the same outcome, she is going to test blood and urine for a whole list of things, including liver/ kidney function. After my examination I too had a painful abdomen all evening! She also wanted to do an internal, but after a day at work and my being horrified by the thought of somebody seeing my very neglected bikini line I managed to arrange this for next Tuesday morning when I go back to find out the results of tests. Please let me know the outcome of your tests, I would be interested to hear how you get on.
Take care Nicky
Have had lab results back. They can find nothing wrong with either the blood or urine, which is a relief. The GP examined me and said he could not see anything amiss that would cause my problems so he is referring me to a Urologist for a scan.
I am still having to rush to the loo frequently, but I guess I’ll just have to wait for the hospital appt to come through.
How are you getting on ?