Bladder problems
Bladder problems Help please has anyone experienced severe bladder problems (ie continually having to run to the bathroom but not cystitis) from FEC and do they go away once the chemo has finished? My course has been stopped after four sessions due to this side effect and even though I was given Mesna to counteract it it wasn’t enough.
Hi there. I was urinating all the time when I did 4xFEC. Like you, nothing like cystitis, but I kept a carton of Cranberry Light juice in the fridge door just in case as they say it relieves any cystitis pain or burning. I also found that you couldn’t hold the loo in, I had to go absolutely immediately! Cutting down on coffee if you drink it could help as coffee acts as a diuretic.
I also developed stress incontinence - the least little cough or sneeze and I was dribbling, it started getting so bad I thought I would need Tena Lady pads at one point.
In my case this all tailed off when I did the 25 rads. However, I started Taxotere yesterday and have a different type of steroids to take. With the last lot I was addicted to craving sweet things, this time they make me thirsty for the 3 days I am on them. Looks like I’m going to be running to the loo a lot again…
thank you Hiya
Many thanks for replying to my e-mail at least I don’t feel so alone with my symptoms now. Really sorry to hear that you might have to go through it all over again!!!