Bleeding nipple?

I found lumps/lumpy breast 3 weeks ago, went to the Dr and was sent for a mammo and an ultrasound.

They couldn’t find anything conclusive, the GP said it was hormonal and left it at that.

Tonight I find that my nipple has started to bleed.

Please help, I am going back to the Dr tomorrow but is this bad?


Its good that you are going back to docs tomorrow. Please try not to worry too much (easier said than done I know, believe me) there are a few reasons for blood from nipple, duct estasia, inflamation of the ducts, papillomas. I am being investigated for discharge containing blood from nipple, (they think its duct estasia(spelling??) but I am waiting until 29th May for next appointment to see if anything develops.

Good luck let us know how you get on.

Yvonne xx

Hi Peacock

Please feel free to call the helpline for support in the morning, it opens at 9am on 0808 800 6000.

Best wishes

Today I’ve seen 2 doctors, the first a GP sent me off to see a specialist who basically swabbed the blood from the nipple. He pressed and prodded and then said I have to see another specialist tomorrow who will insert a needle through the nipple into the breast canals to take a look. I get the impression that it will be a camera going into the nipple. Has anyone had this done, or heard of this?

I should say that I am in France seeing French doctors, so I am not sure if the procedures here are like they would be in UK. It’s difficult because I don’t know who to turn to for help, because of the language difficulties it is not easy.

The doctor was nice and kind, but bless him he tried to do his best to explain what he thinks is wrong - sounds like an enlarged milk gland?

I am pretty worried but thanks for your reassurance

Hi Peacock

I would guess that they are going to do a fine needle aspiration where they draw off fluid and test for cancerous cells. Please try not to worry too much but just felt that I should alert you to the fact that this may be dcis ductal carcinoma in situ. My aunt had blood discharge from the nipple and went on to have a mastectomy and has the all clear. I have had dcis myself and had a mastectomy also.

I do hope that all will be well with you and wish you all the best, good luck and take care. luvnhugsCarolexxx

Saw specialist today. He is pretty sure - and the way he described it - its blocked ducts (is that the milk sacs?) with possibly benign tumours on them causing the blood to leak through the nipple. He has booked me in for a “pyramidectomy” which may be a French term, but basically he will be taking out a pyramid shape of cells/ducts/alveoli. It will be tested and depending on result will require/may not require further treatment.

does this make sense the way I have described, what is this called in English because I would like to look it up and see.

It will be a 2 day hospital thing, but at least he seems confident its nothing bad.

Its a pyramid shaped incision dissection (similar to a lumpectomy) of part of the nipple for biopsy. No I’m not a surgeon I looked it up :o). It is apparently used for duct ectasia (a hardening of the ducts) papillomas (little wart like growths) and more rarely breast cancer. I think it is called a microductomy in English.

Hope this helps.

Good luck let us know how it goes

Yvonne xx