Bleeding, smear test and Tamoxifen

Wondering if anyone else has had this problem. I’ve just been for my regular smear test and unfortunately it looks like I’ll have to go back for another. The taking of the sample caused bleeding and the nurse strongly suspects the blood will render the sample useless. I told her I’m taking tamoxifen and could that be cause for concern. Her uninspiring reply was ‘is that anything to do with hormones?’ I mentioned the risk of thickening of the endometrium whilst taking tamoxifen and she seemed totally uninterested. Oh they’ll call you back in 3 months, don’t worry. Well guess what? I am worrying. I now seem to have full blown bleeding with clots, lovely! After not having had a period since November. I’m 56 and perimenopausal. I’m not due to see my oncologist again until September. Has this happened to anyone else.

Hi Wemblo

Maybe whilst waiting for replies you could call our free helpline and talk through your concerns with one of the staff who are there to support you. The number is 0808 800 6000 and lines open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturday.

With best wishes


Hi - I haven’t had the same experience but on my recent routine smear the result came back normal for the smear but endometrial cells were seen and reported on - so it is back to the gynaecologist for me on Monday . I have been on tamoxifen for 2 years and am 50 . I have already been through the whole range of scan biopsy and hysteroscopy once since starting on tamoxifen - a polyp was found that time and subsequently removed. I have now asked Gp to also refer me back to oncology to have a chat about the risks to me of tamoxifen. I am struggling getting the different specialists to talk - and have now decided to become a bit more assertive as I want a break from hospital appointments and to try to forget about my health and cancer and get on with living !!