Had my last rads today which is a wonderful feeling. However I have been having terrible trouble with my skin which is quite fair and sensitive.
Have developed lots of blisters just below boob that was being treated. Also skin very sore and broken on lower part of boob.
I have been given the gel and dressings but wondered if anyone has any useful tips.
Waft it with a hairdrier on cool setting or sit in front of a fan for a while - I was fairly lucky with my skin during rads but other’s have posted about doing this.
loose clothing, no bra or anything tight around your chest. I walked around the house with nothing on most days and it helped a lot.
Hi Alison
I was advised to put the E45 cream and gel in the fridge. It makes you wince when first applied but really helped with the blistering as it cools it right down.
Hi Alison
Can certainly vouch for the sitting in front of the fan (BCN suggested twice a day for an hour) and using it to dry the creams I was using. I found that I used the fan for spells (not necessarily on hour)every time it got unbearable. I was also prescribed gelliperm to use straight from the fridge as a comfort to line my bra but don’t know how that fits in with intrasite gel. Have you spoken to the BCN at your radiotherapy hospital. Mine was very useful in the couple of days after rads finished. Two weeks down the line skin is much improved and I’m not using any dressings.
Thanks Everyone for the useful tips. Will be trying them out. I thought about the BCN but will give her a ring. Crispy its good to know your skin is clearing. Thank goodness for this site.
Best wishes
Alison x
Hi Alison - Fantastic news that you have finished your radiotherapy. Sorry to hear that you are sore, but hopefully it won’t take too long until your skin settles down again. Not at the sore skin stage yet, so no “top tips” (looks like you’ve got some already), but just wanted to say hope you feel more comfortable soon. Sarah x
Hi Alison
Glad your rads are over. l’ve heard that emu oil is really good for rads burns - in Australia it is widely used in burns units. I’ve not had rads but have used it on burns and it took the pain out & the healing was fast & without any blistering or scarring. It’s great for mositurising skin too, so perhaps it’s worth a try…
Good luck
Many thanks Sarah and Ripley. Will google emu oil in a minute to see where I can buy it from.
It seems I am getting a new blister every day but they are forming under the red broken area, very odd.
Best wishes Alison x
hi alison
I was using Aloe Vera 99.9% gel from Holland and Barrett which is still very soothing. As my family use it with sunburn i thought it was worth a try. Hope you don’t get too many more blisters.
I’m using good old aqueous cream, but it’s still really sore around the bra lines. I take off the bra whenever possible, but hate going out without it on. It has also started to get itchybut that’s better than sore.
I have an Aloe Vera plant in the kitchen it comes in handy for blisters from kitchen burns. Plus I have had blisters with chemo and it has helped with the scars left behind on my face.
Good Luck
Love Debsxxx
Hi Alison
I had terrible trouble with my skin very as my rads finished. It was disappointing as I had worked so hard on trying to keep it in good condition. I was given intrasite gel and telfa dressings to use. However, after a week of this I seemed to be getting nowhere. The pain from the broken skin was the worst I have ever suffered. After a trip to the emergency doctor I was diagnosed with a bad skin infection. It has taken 2 lots of antibiotics to clear this up and my skin still has a little broken bit 3 weeks after finishing rads.
I hope that your skin is improving. If it’s not then don’t hesitate to go to the doctor. Particularly if it is weeping. I left it so long because I didn’t want to bother the doctor that I nearly had to be admitted for IV antibiotics.
Hang on in there. I’ll be watching how you get on.
Hello Everyone
rarebird very sorry to hear how you have suffered with your skin. Really I think someone ought to be monitering our skin problems when rads have finished.
I am still getting new blisters every day and worry about infection.
Aloe vera sounds good will get some when I am out tomorrow.
Its a right pain isnt it!
Alison x
I was seen by the bcn after my final rads session and she gave me the appropriate gels, creams and dressings and told me to make an appointment with my practice nurse or GP to have skin checked a week later … said that my local nurse or GP or BCN would make further appointments as necessary. I was also give a card with a number for the rads helpline and was told to call if I had any problems, including skin problems. If you are concerned about infection - which is understandable - contact your BCN or your practice nurse and get them to check it.
I was very lucky with only minor splitting at collar bone and under arm. By the time I was seen by the practice nurse a week after rads had finished everything was healing well and after that it was just a matter of the redness going away and some dry flaky skin.
I think this is one of the situations where us small chested ladies have the advantage.
Lilacblushes it is good to know that they took alot of care with you. I think I will get the BCN to check me over if its not clearing by next week.
I do not think it helps having big boobs.
Hi everyone
I think it certainly helps if you have small boobs!!! I did not find it easy to speak to a bcn as there was not always access to one when I had problems. If you feel you have more pain than you should have or the skin is more broken than you think it should be… then don’t delay!! Get checked out. I wish I had gone sooner, then maybe I would not have had so many probs. As I said, 3 weeks since my rads have finished and still having problems with broken skin
x x x