bloated uncomfortable tummy :-((

I was just wondering if anyone else is having tummy troubles after treatment had ended.
I had 6FEC chemo from June till Sept during which time I took lanzaporozole for inigestion and acid reflux. Then at the beginning of 38 radiotherapies (19 then 3 week break then 19 more)I experienced bloating of the area directly underneath my breasts. This has continued and is very uncomfortable, I have tried mebeverine and oil of peppermint from the doctor, slippery elm bark from the herbalist, continued with lansaporozole and am now off all meds and trying a low fibre diet. Nothing seems to be working, I feel inflated like a space hopper and am so uncomfortable :-((
Radiologist said they didn’t think the radiotherapy caused it, GP thinks I have developed irritable bowel syndrome, so I don’t know what is causing it really. Just want to find a way to get some relief and deflate a bit :slight_smile:
Thanks Suze x

Sorry sue but you’ve posted here and I’m
answering you, when you could have just shouted over the hill! I was bloated lots through Chemo but feel like it died down afterwards, but then really uncomfy and water retention under my breasts, round rib cage/upper abdomen. I also started getting aches in my ribs. Total paranoia obviously set in. Our shared lovely oncologist examined me, didn’t think anything sinister. Thr bloating and pains started just a few days after I started on my tamoxifen and, excluding scary horrible things I can’t even think about, I think it’s linked to my tamoxifen. I have posted generally about this before, but no real answers. I have googles it and some forums in America have mentioned similar symptoms to
mine. But not listed as a side effect. Mine started before rads so can’t blame them. Did you notice any difference when your tamox started? Hope you get an answer more helpful than my rambling from someone.



Hi Vickie…
thank you for replying here and not shouting over the hill about me being a space hopper!
The doc who did my booster rads planning said it wasn’t well documented but it could be linked to Tamoxifen, especially as rads and Tamoxifen began at the same time and the bloatedness started around then too. Although I had the acid reflux and indigestion through chemo that was different to this symptom now.
I have had an ultrasound which showed nothing untoward, nor did it show any fluid retention so can rule that out…but I am still inflated and something must be causing it.
Anyone in need of a bouncy castle for parties (children only) christenings or bar mitzvhas…here I am !!! xx

Funny I started with feeling bloated after first chemo but also had massive indigestion so was prescribed Omniprozale but it appears about 4/5 days after chemo and gets worse for about a week . I have just had my last chemo and this time it is worse and I have found my lovely microwave hotty helps, the pain is along the top of my tummy just along the ribs my GP and onc reckon it is IBS and due to my getting wound up I make it worse? Not sure but am hoping that after this week it will settle down! Good luck with the ‘new business’ I may be joining you!

Hi Emmy, sorry to hear that you are experiencing similar symptoms, it’s definately uncomfprtable. Well done on finishing chemo, hope that yours settles for you, thanks for sharing xx

I am feeling better after I had reflexology yesterday my weekly treat which has definately helped me through all this! My tummy is settling down so hoping the worst is behind me! But hey quite liked the idea of a new business was wondering what I wanted to do when this is all over. Good luck Salsasuzi and don’t let it get you down. Speak to your BCN mine was fab it was then I found out I had been put on a child’s dose! 1 tab three times a day instead of 2 tabs four times a day makes all the difference I can tell you! Big hug and hope you feel better soon