bloating after chemo finished (is it menopause or tamoxifen?)

Hi there, hoping someone else can relate to what I’m experiencing as it’s become a real worry.

I had my last of 6 rounds of FEC chemo on 4th august. A few days later I had a final bleed and a month later a test from the oncologist said I was post-menopausal (chemo induced).  I started taking tamoxifen after that appointment and also around the same time I started to bloat. I’ve always been a bit of a bloaty person when pms hits but not all day every day and from the moment I wake but I have now been bloated solidly for 6 weeks.

My stomach has also changes shape. I understand you put weight on round the middle with menopause but it’s odd, like bloating higher up too. I’ve also now need the toilet often and feel a pressing on my bladder (it’s not an infection as had tested). I know this can also be menopause related but it’s come with the bloating.

Obviously I’m worried about ovarian cancer as bloating and frequency weeing are both signs. I do have an ultrasound scan coming up but there’s a wait and I’m worrying.

My question is – has anyone else experienced persistent bloating/change in tummy shape/needing to wee so quickly after menopause has started or has a similar story to mine? Or has anyone experienced these things on tamoxifen? I’m hoping they’ll go away if the scan brings up nothing but they seem so permanent. I’m wondering if it’s the tamoxifen or menopause or both. I’ve just come to terms will losing a breast and am not having a reconstruction so it’s a blow to lose the shape of my belly too so quickly into menopause. I’m 41, healthy (good diet, exercises) Many thanks for any thoughts, J :smileyhappy:

Hi Jenny,
This is quite a quiet part of the forum, it may beworth reposting in the Living with cancer thread, or chemo thread
good luck, hope you get some great afvice x
LL xx