I’m not sure if my blog should be described as ‘inspiring’, however I’ve recently started writing one to explore my feelings after being diagnosed with secondaries in January last year. It hops about a bit from my original diagnosis, when I was living in Italy, to the present. Sometimes it may appear a bit gloomy, but really it is a recognition of how far I’ve come on since hearing that dreadful news. I would love people to have a look, it may even touch something within you. It certainly feels a ‘safe’ way for me to explore my emotions. It’s not a diary, more a series of reflections. I hope that some of you may find it interesting.
Just took a peek and it’s a great blog. I’ve been blogging a long time, and am often impressed by the broken-honesty of so many blogs and the strangely-catharthic practice of writing my own (most of it predates my cancer diagnosis).
Glad it is helpful for you to write, it will certainly encourage/inspire others. Although I’m a so-far so-good NED girl there are one or two very inspiring blogs of Stage 4 girls I follow with some degree of awe. Yours is now one of them.
Hi Alison,
Your blog makes interesting reading and you express all the emotion you feel so well without being maudlin. I think you are brave to lay your feelings so bare and some of what you write makes uncomfortable reading but having cancer is not a comfortable place to be. you are so young and to have a sec diagnosis seems so unfair but there is nothing fair about this sh*t disease.
best wishes and strength