blood cell regeneration

This is a short question really, I’m trying to do the best I can for blood count recovery in terms of rest, diet etc in between each three week cycle, but nobody can tell me when the bone marrow kicks back into life and actually starts making new white blood cells. I’ve tried web, asking nurses… I have to watch finances after nearly 6 months sick, so want to concentrate on the most important days for the most expensive items. Is it only in the last few dasy before the next treatment?
Hope someone knows, Zoe

I am not sure Zoe, but seem to remember that 10-14 days after chemo treatment is the time when you are more susceptible to infection. I shouldn’t worry too much - I am on permanent weekly immuno-suppressant injections (a chemo, methotrexate) for Crohn’s and don’t seem to get the colds and flu others do - but I am rather a recluse, and avoid young children if I can. My friends are all aware of my ongoing chemo treatment and don’t visit if they have a cold/flu. With my auto-immune disease, I automatically make too many white blood cells, so I guess that is why the chemo treatment (FEC) did not give me any blood problems. If your count is very low, you will get neupogen shots to bring them up.

Thanks Liz, didnt expect such a quick reply! Sorry you have TWO things to struggle with - good luck, Zoe xx

Hi knowles

Please feel free to contact our helpline with any queries you have, the trained nurses may be able to offer you some advice. The number to call is free phone 0808 800 6000 and the line is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturdays 9am to 2pm.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards

BCC Facilitator

Thanks very much Sam. I will do that. Waht does that symbol mean? Do I have to use Skype to phone, or are you using Skype? Well its afree phone so presume can use ordianry phone. Really appreciate the help. Zoe

Hi Knowles

Just to let you know, you can call from your ordinary phone on the freephone number provided by Sam.

Best wishes