Having a little bit of a panic and hoping somebody can help reassure me!
I have completed 7 rounds of chemo, 4 EC and 3 Paclitaxel. Due to have my last round on Friday! Before my last chemo i noticed a tiny lump in my forearm which the chemo nurse checked and said was likely just vein damage. Anyway, last night i noticed a much bigger lump further down my arm which is a little bit sore and red. Im now up at the acute assessment unit at my local hospital getting checked out. But im thinking it might be a blood clot from everything ive read. Im actually not too worried about that in itself but i was due to start Tamoxifen after chemotherapy and radio and just read you cant have it if history of blood clots? Im so close to the end now and so scared of anything going wrong! Realise googling is probably the worst thing i could have done but has anybody had this and still had their chemo go ahead and been able to take Tamoxifen??
Hello 7 years ago i did my last chemo session with a blood clot provoqued by my PIC Line, I started with blood thinners injections for 6 months ,but i didnt need to delay tamoxifen intake. All the best and all the love to you
Thank you so much @widah! That is reassuring to know. I dont even know if it is a blood clot yet but my head is spiralling! I think im just so desperate to get to the end of this treatment with no more hiccups as there have been a few! Thank you for a quick reply!
Hi @laurapts
I had a picc line induced blood clot after my first chemo but the other 5 rounds went ahead as normal. They put me on blood thinners and I’m still on them whilst taking the tamoxifen as well.
Hope they find out what the lump is and get you sorted asap!