Blood clots

Soooo, Little Miss Smug-I-don’t-worry-about-scan-results has had a bit of a surprise. I had a scan on Tuesday and a call on Thursday to say the CT scan had spotted a blood clot close to a kidney and I need to go on blood thinners immediately. I’ve opted for the tablets rather than the injections for now (

can’t be that urgent as they didn’t deliver them as promised).

It’s the first tangible thing to come from a CT scan in 2 years (typically, the week after my oncologist left - HE should have delivered the news lol). Does anyone have any experience/advice for me please?

Jan xx

Hi Jan, 

no experience or advice to offer but lots of virtual hugs and support xxxx

Hi Jaybro,

They found blood clots in my lungs after one of my routine CT scans in April 2021.

I have been on blood thinner tablets since then. I was on Fragmin injections for a short while then my oncologist changed it to Edoxaban tablets.

I have had no ill effects and I’m doing OK.

Good luck with your treatment.
