Blood clots

I am on fec t chemo and have been dignosed with a clot in my arm, the consultant has now said I need a hickman liine in to complete my treatment, I am not happy about this as I already have a clot and I know you can get clots with hickman lines! Has anyone got any advice as I am worried about having the procedure!

Hello trina

I am sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time at the moment.

Maybe you would like to talk to a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 600 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 to 2.00.

Best wishes

June, moderator

HI Trina
after my 2nd chemo i too have 2 small blood clots in chemo arm, my 3rd n 4th chemo, was painfull, had to keep heat pad on and hot water bottle when got home, taking blood seems to become a problem, and my arm swells and becomes painfull when done slightess bit of housework, i dont no about hickman line, but i hope its going to be ok for you how many more chemos do you have left?
hope youv found some answeres here good luck im shore youl be fine stay strong xxxx

Hi , I have had two chemo so far and both times my arm has been very sore and have been on penicillin, should of had third one today but my arm is too sore and swollen, like you I find it hard doing housework etc, hope this hickman line will be ok . Hope you manage to get through the rest of your treatment ok! X

Hi Trina

I had a Hickman line and it was the best thing ever, I didn’t have the pain of constant cannulation and injections. I would recommend it. Its not pleasant to go in but this is outweighed by its positives. Good luck for the rest of your treatment-
Victoria xx