Blood doning

Blood doning

Blood doning I have been donating blood for about 20 years.

Obviously I didn’t even think about it during my diagnosis and treatment, but one year after my mastectomy (for DCIS only) I thought it would be OK to start again. However, when I spoke to the advice line, I was told that due to my diagnosis I wouldn’t be able to donate again. (ever)

That got me worried. DCIS is suppsosed to be non-invasive, so when they remove the breast they are supposedly removing all the dangerous cells. They don’t give you any further treatment such as chemo or radiation, so you assume that they have removed all the (pre)cancerous cells.

So why don’t they want my blood? It makes me think that there is still a possibility of cells being present in my blood, which is a worrying thought.

Anyone else in the same situation, and what have they been told by the Blood Service?



heomochromatosis Hi Anne,
I have just come out of hospital and have had a WLE for DCIS grade 2.A couple of weeks ago I also found out that I have hereditory heomochromatosis (high iron that the body can’t deal with) The cure for this is to give blood . I thought it might come in useful to someone, I havn’t spoken to anyone about it yet but want to find out more.
As you say it is a worry , I’m still waiting for results so we shall see
Best wishes Chris.

donating blood This is not intended to offend anyone, but I was suprised you even considered donating blood after DCIS or any cancer related treatment. I certainly know there are very few parts you can organ donate and as far as I am aware you can’t be a living donor either (ie kidney transplant)

In the 1980’s it was discovered that people with hepatitis C put other recipients at risk and in the 1990’s CJD did the same. I am sure that there are lots of things not yet known which can be passed on through blood, so maybe it’s best not to gift that which might cause others a problem.

I also wonder how wise it would be to give your own blood which is rich in antibodies and things meant to protect you and make you healthy and well?

Maybe we need our blood with all it’s richness more so than others.

All the best

I agree with Rheta It is crucial to err on the side of caution around blood doning. It seems sensible to me that anyone who has had any kind of cancer shouldn’t donate blood.

Remember that there ae many things not known about cancer and that includes DCIS.

I think it may be possible to donate eyes after death if you’ve had cancer but no other organs.
