blood tests

Hi Ladies hope u can help me. I’ve been to the docs 2day as i’ve been having pain in my stomach just under my rib cage but closer to the centre of my stomach than the right side. It comes and goes and is more like a stabbing pain

He did a blood test and what i want to know is can a blood test identify if u have liver secondaries or not?

Any comments would be helpful

Hi Sukes

I don’t think that a blood test alone can either confirm or rule out Liver Mets. I have liver mets but my blood tests are all still normal. An abnormal liver function test can be due to lots of other things but would suggest that further tests are needed.

I am sure others will add to this.


Hi SUkes

I too have liver mets and agree with Fiona - my liver function tests are often fine despite that. The doc may also be testing the tumour markers which if raised may indicate a problem (but may not).

Not sure whether you went to the GP or the onc - would suggest you gave your BC Nurse a ring (if you have one) and talk it through with her.

Take care K

Hi Sukes,I’ve got IBS and can get pains exactly as you’ve described just under my ribs on the right hand side.This is were your gut(or large intestine)is.I was diagnosed while on chemo so I don’t suppose I needed bloodtests as they come with the chemo.I thought it was probably my liver and was delighted to be told I’d IBS!!

Hi Ladies

thankyou for your comments. I’ve had blood test results and all okay and went for an ultrasound scan 2day. Anyway turns out i have numerous cysts on ovaries. Need to speak to the doc about next steps