Bloods satisfactory

Hi my doc found s small lump deep in my breast last week , going to clinic next week but my bloods have come back satisfactory does this mean I m ok



Wanted to just say hello and welcome.


It is good that your GP has referred you to the breast clinic, one thing to remember is that tthere are a lot of other benign breast conditions this could be and the breast clincis do not just deal with breast cancer, .  You will see on here that a lot of ladies who have found lumps etc., when they have had their apt at the clinic it has turned out not to be breast cancer.


A bit of advise, do not generally google your symptoms, there are a lot of websites out there with outdated and if totally incorrect information on them.  The best place if you want to know anything is to come on here where there is a section “information and support”, and of course all the wonderful ladies on here who know exactly what you are going through.


I am not sure about the blood results, if might be worth posting on the ask our nurses thread to see if they are able to give you any advise.


Let us know how you get on when you have your breast clinic apt


Helena xx

Hi Mags,
It’s good you have been referred to the breast clinic, as they will get to the bottom of what it is. Mostly, it turns out to be nothing serious.
I am not aware of anything related to blood tests that would give any indication about what the lump is, but as Helena says, you could post your question on the ‘ask our nurses’ section to clarify.
ann x