
posted on behalf of new user Bob
June, moderator

hello ladies my name is bob and i was diagnosed as having breast cancer yesterday.I know that most people on this sight are ladies and i hope it’s ok for me to be on here, because ladies to be perfectly honest I’m damn petrified of what’s ahead. I go for the operation on the 5th of November.

Hi Bob

Welcome to the forums, I’m sure other users will be along to support you soon.
In the meantime you may find it useful to contact our free helpline on 0808 800 6000, opening hours are Monday to Friday 9.00 – 5.00 and Saturday 9.00 – 2.00.
We also have a telephone Peer Support Service where you can talk to someone who has had a personal experience of breast cancer, the phone number for this is 0845 077 1893.

Kind Regards
June, moderator

Hi Bob, just wanted to say I really hope youor op went well today. Hope you are coping ok,Hope you can update us soon. Lots of Love, San, xx

Hi Bob
Hope all went ok for you today and you make a good recovery. Look after yourself or better still get someone else to do that for you as you deserve it.

hi, i hope it goes well for you today and wish you a speedy recovery
take care

Hey Bob

how did your op go ? Hope ,like me,you found it was nowhere near as bad as you were expecting. Take it easy during recovery and let us know how you are getting on.

Kind regards


Hi Bob
Hope your op went ok and that your comfortable, we all know how you feel about it all, but hopefully you will find as I did helpful info on here from all of us who are in the same boat. It is very scary when you first find out and your emotions are all over the place but when you start having treatment things get easier, It helps to have a positive attitude about it all and you will get there.
Take care Carole

Hi Bob,
Hope your op went ok today and that you soon back home recovering well. Lots of support here - its a fab site.

Hi Bob
Hope your operation went well and let us all know how you are going on your return home.

Hi Bob,

Hope it all went well today,the supports definitely here if you need it.
All the best,
Little H x

lots of love bob hope your recovering by now and just want you to know male or female we are all reeling from this dx of cancer,and the battle ahead,bonded by fear of the unknown ,but friends are here doesn,t mean we got all the answers but we all care! take care love sheena x

Dear Bob,hope everything went well for you today.We are all here for you and we all know what you are feeling.You will be surprised how resilient you become and can face what ever this cancer thing throws at you.Anyway ,good luck and try to let us know how you are getting on.

Take care


Hi Bob juist as everyone else said before me"good luck for today"male or female we are all in the same boat and if any question I am sure someone out of us will be able to answer them. Take care Joyce

Hi Bob

I hope surgery went well and that you are taking it easy. Gender makes no difference, the fear is just the same.

Take care

Julia xx

Hi Bob, just want to echo all the other comments and wish you well. This disease knows no boundaries and does not discriminate against its victims. We are all in it together. I have found this forum a complete lifesaver and I hope you find the support right for you.

Hope you are feeling OK after your op.

Love Sheila x

Hi Bob
Hope you are feeling ok after your op, don’t forget were all here for you if you need to talk.
Take Care

Hi Bob, Hope you are recovering well from your op. There is loads of support on this site, male or female we are in this all together.

love Brenda xx

Hi Bob

Hope all went well with your op and you are recovering well. It makes no difference if you’re male or female, we all feel scared at sometime. Let us know haow you get on and there will always be someone to answer your questions here
