Body confidence

Hi Ladies, I am one week post expander exchange, double mastectomy May 17, ovaries and fallopian tube removal Sept 17 pathology showed STIC . I have Ilc er+PR+ HER -. Stage 2.
I know this is early days and my surgeon has done an amazing job, but I am suffering a huge lack of confidence and self esteem. Partly due to the cancer and the way it affects body image and intimacy, but also because my partner was on a dating site the day I had my mastectomy. This seems to have intensified the body image problems I am having and can’t begin to even feel like I will feel confident again. I have recently ( 6 weeks) been changed from Letrozole to examestane because of hip pain, but the new meds seem to be intensifying depressive symptoms. Any suggestions? Desperate to get on top of this, thank you

Thank you sunflower for your kind words. I am doing all the things I know have a positive effect and if you walked past me in the street you would never guess the inside from the outside. I have emailedmy oncologist today as I seem to remember (that’s a thing of the past, memory he he)he askedme to let him know if I had depression with this med. Its early days on this part of the journey, just hoping it improves soon. Xx