Bone Biopsy again today

Damn it was sore!!! I’ve had one before, but that time I was under GA so didn’t feel a thing and slept right through it. This time it was only local… so I was awake.

He had to do the biopsy 3 times, deep in the left hand side of my pelvis. Jeeeeeeeesus it hurt!!!

I have to wait a few weeks for the results - if my secondaries are now HER2+ then I’ll need Herceptin. If not, I stay on my hormone treatment, currently Arimidex but they want me to go onto Exestamane (sp?) but it gives me chronic migraines, so unless they sort out a remedy for that… I aint taking it. What’s the point of controlling my cancer if I can’t leave a darkened room because my head hurts so much?

Seeing the difference between my scan in May and the scan from November actually shocked me, the cancer has grown quite a deal more than I thought…

…you can get a plastic pelvis right?

Hi Joannie, I can tryely empathise with you. My bone biopsy was the worst thing I have ever had done to me in 20 years of BC…I had it under local too…I would refuse next time unless they gave me a general. I am normally quite good with pain…can tolerate it quite well. The procedure was meant to be done in 40 minutes…They couldn’t get the bit of bone as my bone was so hard…they tried and tried and tried. It was hours before they succeeded. They asked me at one point if I wanted to call it a day. I asked if I would need to return to do it another day…the answer was yes. So I told them well you better just carry on until you get it coz there is NO WAY I will be back! I wasn’t too bad in the days following but it was definately my worst experience so far. When you get the results can you let me know? LOve Val
Brownie points for you Joannie. You have been a brave lady. Love Val

I guess I was lucky. I had a bone biopsy (hip) at Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt late October. I had an epidural and can honestly say I felt nothing. It was just odd hearing them knock away at something and it was my bone! I followed this with major surgery on the 17th November when I had a femoral bone replacement. I am up and about now on one crutch and hope to be fully mobile at some point in the next 6 weeks or so. I must say that the Tumour Unit at RJAH are absolutely fantastic. I wasn’t aware they existed and consider myself very, very luck to have been referred there with my bone mets. Di

Thanks Val xxxx

Diane - I had my femoral replacement at the RJ & AH in October 2007 - they were amazing!! Mr Cool is my bone guy and he’s fantastic too. It took me a while to get mobile again, and I now walk with aid of a stick because I have a slight stoop, but it’s a damn site better than the alternative!!
Fingers crossed you make a speedy recovery!!!

Dear J

So sorry to hear you’ve had yet more hospital-time, but hope you get results v. soon, and that helps sort out your treatment. Been thinking of you, and am available for cupcakes whenever you feel able to get into Manchester. Marilyn x