bone density

I finished my chemo in December and completed my radiotherapy in January. I have however been experiencing severe pain around the back of the shoulder blades and down into the ribcage. The oncologist sent me for an MRI scan a few weeks ago and it came back yesterday with no evidence of cancer which is good but showing severe degenerative disease of the spinal column form the neck down. My GP is now arranging for me to have a DEXA scan so that they can decide the best treatment to slow down the rapid bone loss. My cancer was oestrogen fed so I’m on Tamoxifen to block this in my body but at the same time this is making my bone loss worse. I’m 44 years old and did not expect to battle through cancer then be faced with this.
Has anyone else got this problem with their bones?

hi diddly, my sister is 37 and has just been told she has osteopenia, there are lots of other users who have osteoporosis, i have brought a thread to the top with some of there comments, hope this helps , claire


I’m 42, and had breast cancer 1 year ago. I am also on Tamoxifen, with all the lovely side effects…I went for my 1 yr check today, asked the Onc what the results of my DEXA in Oct were, casually she said that surprisingly I have Osteopenia in my spine and more than she would expect! If I hadn’t asked???
Anyway, I casually asked if that would explain the pain in my upper back, and she ordered an Xray, there and then… sounds like I am going down the same road as you, Do keep me posted.

Hi Girls
I was diagnosed 3 years ago and had all the works. I also had my ovaries removed and then had the 1ts DEXA scan which showed slight Osteopenia. Twelve months later I had another which showed more degeneration so I am now on Adcal and Bi-phosphates which hopefully will keep it in check. I am on Arimadex and think that maybe I would have had this problem anyway but it has been possibly speeded up by the lack of oestrogen. Taking the tablets is a bit of a pain but I think that all women over 50 (I am only 49) should be aware of this problem, as I have been told fractures in later life is quite common.
Debbie x

I have posted on behalf of a new user Dawne

Kind regards

Hi diddly, I am 46 years old and I finished my chemo and radio last year and have been told I have osteoporsis, I have been given medication for it but am worried because the Zolodex and letrozole that I take to suppress my eostrogen is only going to make it worse.


hi ya didly i am 42 i finished all my treatment last nov had lot of pains in my leg had bone scan then dencity scan told i got osteoporsis takin medication at mo no side affects
sana x