Bone mets stinging pain?

Sorry if this is going in the wrong place , I’ve only got sporadic wifi and I’m on my mobile on the mobile version so not sure it’ll post in the correct place.

I was diagnosed with secondaries some weeks ago now, and a chest CT showed up a 1cm met on breastbone and 1cm met on lung.

tomorrow I finally get a bone scan and body scan to see what else might be going on.

Anyway, on Thurs night I ended up in A&E with the most awful stinging pain in my chest on a scale of 10 it was 8 to 9. I had ECG which was fine so they said it was probably the bone met. I already had a slight swelling in my chest in the met region but it also swelled up a lot at the time , it’s now gone back down to the ‘normal’ swelling. I still have an aching pain but nothing like the stinging sensation.

Anyway my question is, is this awful stinging a symptom? Should I be prepared for more ‘flare ups’ like Thursday? If it is a normal symptom what painkillers are you given . A&E gave me oramorph but it was still bad .

BTW I was due to start chemo Fri, but it was postponed because I hAve an appt this week about a poss trial. I hope the problems I had on Thurs don’t scupper it.


Hi spudgirl,

I’ve only recently been diagnosed with spine and pelvis mets but havent had any stinging or anything. I do wake up with aches around my middle but hope this is due to sleeping in one position (due to mets in other places). I’m sure others will be along to give better info soon. I’m interested to know what trial you are looking at. I have seen trials drs bt none of them will let me go on anything while there are still treatments to try. Is this a last resort, as it were, for you or are you lucky enogh to be considered early on. (sorry if that sounded a bit harsh, it wasnt meant to) My biggest problem is that i may get too ill to go on a trial or when there are no treatments left, there wont be a sitable trial.

Please keep us posted. x

Hi Stresshead, I don’t know much about the trial yet, my Onc referred me but he isn’t sure either yet. All I know is it is re triple neg . I’ll let you know if/when I go to the appointment:-)

Hiya spudgirl
I don’t really have any answers to the pain thing but just wondered if you have been giving some new treatment like hormones or something and it caused a bit of tumour flare.
Until u get the scans done …it’s like being in limbo …but once treatment starts you will have a focus.
These clinical trials are a bit hit and miss …it seems to me that u only get them when treatment ideas run out and like stress head says by then you are too ill to really test new things and give a true result. I do know that priority is given to triple negative clinical trials as options are limited so it sounds like your oncologist is really pushing to get the best for you.
Hugs xxx

Flipping heck Carolyn, I hope it’s not treatment options running out. I’ve not started any yet. I know there aren’t many options for triple neg secondaries so I asked for trials to try to give me another option up front. Of course I could end up with the ‘placebo’ side of the trial but it wouldn’t get any less treatment than I would normally so it seems a win win at the mo .

I’m a bit mystified now re the pain if it’s not what others experience :-/

Sorry spudgirl
I didn’t phrase my reply very well …so didn’t mean to panic you.
I’m not triple negative so when I asked about clinical trials oncologist said I had plenty of other proven options.
Your oncologist sounds on the ball and its a case of trusting him to put you on the very best option.
In the meantime try not to worry and focus on the chemo.

Hiya mint tea
It seems you have a very good oncologist that wants to give you the best treatment. I’m sure that you have already told us on earlier threads but may I ask what you are trialling ?
It’s nice to hear about new stuff. ( my best friend trialled herceptin back in 2002 and it kept her stable for five years with extensive liver nets) …now look at herceptin - so many ladies here on the threads that are leading good lives on it.
Hugs xxx

Hi all, 

There are many different types of clinical trials looking at different aspects of breast cancer.

We have lots of information on clinical trials on our website and if you would like to find out more please do visit our page here.

Best wishes, 
