Bone mets

Hi everyone,

I have dabbled with a few posts but never started one. Never thought of myself as an initiator more of a follower.However I really want to know if there are other ladies like me on this site and what their take is on life.

At the moment I am spinning like a top. One minute carrying on with plans to move south nearer to our daughters…buoyed up by my husbands confidence, to utter despair in the middle of the night when my head is bursting and I am sure the cancer has moved up my spine.

The info all came too quickly. Lobular invasive with node involvement one week then told I had 2 tumours in thoracic and cervical vertebrae last week. I was having radiotherapy at Christies next day as one of the tumours is about to compress my spinal cord.

I have not had time to think about survival or life expectancy and actually don’t really want to know. However I keep stumbling across info on this and another site and it frightens me. All this business of level 3 and level 4 seems so exact.

Would you want to know? Is it better to know? Can we request doctors not to tell us?

I am 57 yrs so I suppose I have had a good bite of the cherry but I have a 2 month old grandson living 200 miles away. I would just love to be able to form a relationship with him.

Hope this did not sound too depressing. I know there are some really cheerful ladies out there…how do you do it?

Hoping to get to know you all, cheers, Ruftikins (yes it was a favourite cat!)

Hi there Ruftikins, I’ve always found a good onc or doc will pick up from you on how much you want to know.
I was diagnosed with both breast cancer and bone mets in 2003 when my hip fractured.
I’ve had very good responses to hormonal treatment and have remained well and pain free since then.
For me hope with a large dash of realism has grown over the years since my diagnosis and I’m acutely aware that it’s much easier to remain hopeful while a treatment’s working. I’m realistic as I’ve lost many friends to this disease but I also know others who have been living well with their cancer for a very long time.
It’s normal to be spinning like a top right now, things will slow and life will feel normal again in the future. It will be a new normal but it will happen.
Take Care…xx

Thanks Belinda,

I knew you were out there somewhere! That really gives me hope for the future.

Hope to speak to you again,

Jean xx

Hi Ruftikins

I am the same age as you and also have grandchildren about 21/2 hours drive away , they try to visit but it is a great upheaval to get them all down here and not much room for them all to visit although the baby can go anywhere. I have bone mets too although mine are not troubling me as much as the liver mets. I know lots of people with the bone mets and although yours are in a dodgy place they will do everything they can. My friends some of them have been going over the 5 yrs with the bone mets.

Everything will stop spinning soon and the onc will only tell you what you want to hear … mine is very good at knowing this and although I am quite straight with the dx I really don’t want someone telling me how long I’ve got left… anyway do they really know?

Keep your chin up

I have posted this on behalf of new user Sue
Kind Regards
Breast Cancer Care

My aunt has just been diagnosed with cancer in both breasts and her spine we are waiting to hear treatment We have been on a lnog journey thinking she had suspected stomach cancer for 18 months and the breast cancer wasnt picked up. As I live 300+miles away from her dont know what will be the best thing to do regarding care Very encouraging you are so positive Belinda
