I was hoping some of you might be able to help if you’ve had similar experiences. I was diagnosed stage IV from the outset in March this year. I’d had headache for a month and it was found I had breast cancer which had spread to my lower skull area. I also started to have pain in my collar bone and groin area and a scan showed it had spread to my spine and sacroiliac joint. I had radiotherapy to my head which cured the headache, then six sessions of chemo which finished in Sept. The pains went away apart from the usual aches we all seem to get! In the last couple of weeks I feel to have a stiff neck which intermittently aches across my shoulders and sometimes down my arms. I also have had a dull ache in my groin area and down my leg but haven’t had this the last couple of days. It’s all very random and not continuous. I’m worried the cancer is active again, however I have started Denusomab injections and read somewhere they can cause aching (I’m hoping this is the cause). My tumour markers had dropped to 26 after chemo but are now at 37 which usually wouldn’t be too much of a worry.