I’ve been given appointments for a bone scan and CT scan on the same day - this seems like a lot for one day with all that radiation etc. Has anyone else had both on the same day? When I queried it with the hospital they often did this and I can see that the timings have been set to allow for this. I’ve got to have both done now in readiness for consideration for a drugs trial.
Also just wondering what sort of equipment you’ve had for bone scan -it’s not claustrophobic like the MRI scanner is it? Have to ask as I had one of those a few years ago and “did not enjoy the experience”.
HI fran, I had bone scan and Ct scan in the same 24 hours and was ok with it. The bone scan was the worst for me but I closed my eyes whilst the scanner was over my face (about 6 ‘’ above) after that it was ok . lasted about 20 minutes . The Ct was fine ,much quicker and not as close.
Hope that helps.
Thanks Tilybob
I’m fine with CT scan so it sounds as though the bone scan might be similar with something that moves over you? I think I can do 20mins - they say take music so I’ll take your hint and shut my eyes and just listen to that. thanks again
It’s nowhere near as bad as an MRI - not as close and you move through much quicker. It’ll only be over your head for a short while. It isn’t noisy either - so don’t worry about taking your music. You will need an injection though - then you have to wait about 3 hours before the scan.
More good news thanks Flinty - yes, I remember now that the MRI noise was what I found so disconcerting along with the long tunnel - not having tha noise will be a big bonus.
Am feeling better already - thanks
Hi Just a thought about the bone scan, they asked me what music i would like to listen to, I said 80 s would be good, first record on ‘spirit in the sky’ when I lay me down to die going to go to the spirit in the sky !!! good job I have a sense of humour.
Me too- I had ct + bone scan on same day. I acually reqested this as myveins are rubbish (understatement) so I thought it better to have one nasty cannula experience than 2 separate ones! Bone scan fine as the other ladies have said, just a bit tense as the scanner over your face as it does come really claw but t soon mves down + it’s not enclosed- just like a big square plate that starts at your head + then moves down. I did not enjoy the MRI at allbut wouldn’t flinch about having another ct/ bone scan. Good job really as I’m having scans every 2-3 months at the mo!!
All the best
tina x
Ah - thanks Tina -so is bone scan “injection” done by cannula too? If so I’ll have to manage the event as these two scans are in different parts of the hospital - but maybe they are used to this and I’m worrying unnecessarily…
Hi Fran
I’ve had both on the same day, as you have to wait a few hours for the NM one after the substance goes in, having something else kills the time. They cannulated me at the first and left it in for me to go to the CT scan. Think this is quite comment, you then can have results at the same appointment.
Good luck with them both xx
thanks Nicky for your thoughts
feel ok now that the tests are ok to have on the same day - have read to stay away from babies and pregnant mums after bone scan - this has scared my husband!
I also had bone scan & MRI on the same day as well as X-rays. I was told to flush the toilet a number of times, too, for 24 hours. I had a canula for both, too. Found the bone scan easier than the breast MRI. Good luck. X
The bone scan is much easier than the MRI scan. You lie flat and they scan your head starts first…this takes around 5 minutes then the bed moves backwards so your head is now out of the machine…they do the next bit and slowly again the machine moves backwards for the rest of the scan. Of all the scans I have had, this is the nicest…if that’s the correct word. You just have to lie very still and you keep your hands flat against your sides. No problems. Love Val
Thanks everyone - am feeling much better and more prepared. Thanks Tina for advice on flushing loos - I do want to protect my family and with all radioactive info in the papers due to the Japanese situation my husband and son are aware of potential risks to me of these scans and have been researching risks to others. It’ll be interesting to hear what my hospital advise. Thanks Scottish Lass - I’ll try to treat the experience as my afternoon rest!!!
Thanks to everyone for supportive advice - all went quite well and ths scans, as you said were really easy. Just scared “everyone” when the blood started flowing after cannular was removed as my blood was “radioactive”. Anyway - it stopped with more pressure and and my trail of blood was cleaned up!! Husband stayed in other bedroom this weekend but now feels I’m “safe”!!!
hope all your tests go well - awaiting results on Thursday!
had to laugh at the comment “Husband stayed in other bedroom” as mine did also just adding that i had my Bone scan and CT scan on same day also ,bone can results are fine but still waiting for body scan results( its a worry )