Bone Scan

had a fairly good nights sleep, woke at 5 a.m. mind went into overdrive. CT scan all clear. Now waiting for results of bone scan. Was feeling fairly positive until 5 a.m. this morning and am sure scan results will be OK. Looking on the black side (which I know I shouldn’t) Am due to start chemo on 5th August, but is there anyone that can tell me what the procedure is if the bone scan results are not good?

Also on a much lighter note. Scars from lumpectomy all healed good although breast still a bit bruised and hard, Op was just over 3 weeks ago. Was told not to use deodorants until scars were healed. Rang BCN to say scars all OK can I now use deo she suggested roll on preferable to aerosol bought dove roll on but so sticky anyone out there suggest anything better?

Hi poodlepatch

I hope you got some sleep after posting :slight_smile:

This is a good place to share your anxieties, you’re likely to find someone who has “been there - done that”. I was in your situation almost 5 years ago. Sadly my bone scan showed multiple secondaries… but my lovely BCN told me that the bone is not a vital organ, people can live with disease in their bones, sometimes for many years… Bone “mets” are very treatable… we get bone-strengthening drugs (bisphosphonates) and whatever treatment is appropriate, including possibly surgery if there is only one bone met.

But I do hope you get a reassuring result (do you have long to wait for results?) so you can get on with your planned chemo.

Hi mrsblue
No didn’t get any sleep after 5 a.m. but am not a very good sleeper anyway always wake early morning. Had bone scan Thursday didn’t tell me when I would get results so will ring Monday and see what I can find out. Until then will have to stay positive. Been alternating for the last few days positive one minute and weepy the next. Just hope and pray all is OK so that I can get on with the chemo on the 5th. I find early morning is the bad time when I wake all sorts of things run through the mind. Have a very understanding OH but he is not a morning person. Will post again to let you know results of bone scan.

thinking of you pp, I had an agonizing wait for my ct/bone scan results, partly because my hosp isn’t the swiftest ever and partly because I was too scared to ring and find out!!! I had bc 14 yrs ago and had mx/recon/chemo (refused rads) and tamoxifen+zoladex. I had no lymph node involvement and had chemo because of the size + grade of the tumor. I now have a new primary, other side and it seemed that the news from first visit to doc was not good… It won’t be cancer again…it was, it only be DCIS…it was grade 2 invasive…had WLE no clear margins lots of tissue affected and extensive LVI… ok so now SNB… it won’t have spread there in such a short time…( only had clear mammo 6 months earlier) it had! so I was convinsed that bone scans etc be bad news…again!!! I worried and didn’t sleep ( I have two little ones) but THEY WERE CLEAR!!! I did howevr find out that as mrsblue said they are now veiwing bone mets as something that can be ‘lived with’ with treatment indeed there are many lovely ladies on this site testimony to that. I am no expert and I hope someone will correct me if I am wrong but if the ct was clear thats a tick in your favour of mets in vital organs!! I hope you find out soon waiting is SO hard!! I will keep looking and waiting with you, Jeanette

Thanks to everyone for replies it doesn’t seem so bad once you have shared problems, not so scary.

I must say J I admire you and all the other ladies with young children. Must be very hard for you to juggle everything when you are feeling so tired and scared.

I’m fortunate, children all grown up and flown the nest, youngest son 38 next week. So I can fall asleep whenever. Have lovely OH who is quite capable and as we are both retired it will make coping easier, although still not looking forward to starting chemo on 5th.

Big hugs to every worried lady out there.

thanks for that pp,I can honestly say it changes things having kids as many on here will testify, first time round I was young (ish at 34)free and single, and now I have 2 one is 9 ( and autistic) the other is 7, and it;s adifferent journey with them along in a good and bad way…just different, I wouldn’t swap it for the world!! XXXX

Hi everyone
Big smiley face bone scan resulus all OK. Just have MUGA scan this friday and then can start chemo on 5th.

Woo Hoo! excellent news - what a weight off your mind!

Good luck on your journey.

Great news, it makes the sun come out, doesn’t it! All good for making your chemo start in the right way