Bone Scan Last thursday I had a bone scan. Expect results next monday. Now I feel like staying in bed, head under the pillows till monday. How do others cope with the waiting? x
hi chalee,
i was the same as you when i had my bonce scan and CT scan, i was really nervous the day before and when i came out of the hospital was convinced that they had found something and spent the next few dys despressed and thinking i was going to die. thank godness i called my bc nurse and shoh confimed the results were clear. As it is bank holiday im sure you feel worse but keep positive and get support from people around you. i hope your results are what you want to hear and all the best for your treatment.
Hi Chalee
I had my bone scan 2 weeks ago today and I am due my follow up appointment a week this friday. I’m not particulalrly worried about what the results are, I know by now if there was anything to worry about I would have heard!
I’m trying to put this Br Ca thing to the back of my mind and get on with my life, having lost nearly a year of it todate, I think it’s time to get it back I don’t know how far along the journey you are though?
Hope your results are ok when you get them.
Lynn x
Hi Chalee,
I had a bone scan about 6 weeks ago, went back for results after 2 weeks, (was sooo scared, felt physically sick in the waiting room thought I was going to pass out!) then the doctor (surgeon who did my mastectomy) said ‘there is some activity in ribs 6 and 7’, but we’ll give you a chest xray and then maybe do another scan in about 6 weeks time. So more waiting. But… just got a letter today saying that the xray was clear and that they now think the bone scan ‘may have been misleading’ and they are now going to repeat the scan in 3 months. So am elated (I think), but still the waiting goes on and on and on!!!
Do hope your results are good - can I ask why you had to have a bone scan - I had to because of rib pains.
Lots of love and hugs, Jean xx
Thanks Thanks to everyone for your replies. The bone scan was because of lower back pain and other pain which was thought to be ‘referred pain’ from my ribs. After the scan I was sent to have an xray on my upper spine! Not the bit I expected to be a problem.
I’m four years from diagnosis. Being on Arimidex is giving me lots of aches so maybe that’s at the root of the trouble. Goodness knows what the hot spot in my upper spine is. Arthritis maybe? I do hope it is. Imagine hoping you have arthritis! But I hope that’s all it is.
Thanks for your continuing support! xx
Hi Chalee,
Know what you mean about being elated that you may have arthiritis! How our goal posts change is amazing! Never thought I would be over the moon to be told that my pain was probably degenerative and lumbar spondylosis (whatever that is!) - don’t care as long as it’s not the bc back!!!
Good luck and try not to worry too much - know it’s easier said than done - thinking of you.
Love and hugs, Jean xx
Phew! The scan results were clear with a bit of arthritis in my upper back. Halleluja! Thanks everybody for your posts. Best wishes to you all xx
Hi Chalee - so pleased to read your last post - it’s always good to hear good news! Best of luck.
Love and hugs, Jean xx
Nice one! Hi Chalee,
just wanted to say I’m so pleased your scan results were clear! I meant to post the other day to wish you luck but i guess you didn’t need it, hurrah!! After bc I reckon a bit of arthritis in your upper back will be a doddle.
Take care,