Hi Lady`s,
I had my bone scan last Thursday and was told that the report would be on screen today and to phone breast nurse today to see if she could give me any news.
When i phoned she said she would have a look and phone me back,she did and said it had not been reported on yet so she would get my ONC to have a look tomorrow (TUESDAY) at the begining of his clinic.
Im now realy worried and mayby reading more into this as the person who did the bone scan said it would be reported on to veiw today and now she is telling me it isnt,or has it but she can not tell me the results over the phone but she told me over the phone last week that my x-ray was clear.
Why why why do we have to go through this agony.
After the bone scan the radiographer had a look and asked me if i had pain in my lower back aswell,and i said yes he went out the room for about 10mins and came back saying he had to go over my palvis and lower back again.
All i could see was gloing white areas in my palvis and the rest of my bones looked grey,im going out of my mind with worry and will be a bag of nerves untill they get in touch.Lesley.
Hugs Lesley, this waiting game is always the worst. Sending you huge hugs and hoping they get their act together and tell you what’s what
Oh Lesley just also sending you a huge huge hug hun. Will say a prayer for ya tonight for good news tomorrow.
When i read posts like yours it all brings back to me the waiting for results and absolute panic. I doubt whether you will have slept much.
I remember waiting for my brain scan result and phoning the onc secretary who said someone had my notes and she couldnt give me results over the phone even though she had them on computer. Well i convinced myself my notes were with a brain cancer specialist and i had brain mets. she rang me back in half an hour said scan was fine once had told her she could tell me.
do these people realise what we go through why cant they speed up results, i mean they can report on things right away.
Let us know how you get on
Hi Bluebell, its not unusual for reports not to be ready when you are told, and your BC nurse dare not comment if they have not been read.I can imagine the hell you are going thro at the moment. Best wishes for tomorrow
just to say I am thinking of you.
Ruth x
Hi Ladys,
Thankyou for your kind words.
Yes the news is good,my bone scan was clear,my breast nurse phoned me this morning to tell me,i broke down after i spoke to her,it was such a relief,i phoned my hubby and he too started crying,now we can go on holiday Sunday to Cyprus and enjoy ourselfs.
Will it get any easyer as time goes on or will the thought of is it or could it be back ever go away,i have my 2 year scince DX mamo in 3 weeks time and have an appt in the breast clinic 5th Dec and i know i will be on tender hooks again waiting for the results of the mamo.
Thanks again luv Lesley.
great news Kesley, have a wonderful time in cyprus - beautiful island, lived there for three wonderful years. The grass will be growing greener and the sea will still be bearable and the sun won’t be too hot. A truly wonderful time to go. Try and get to Lefkara and watch the lace making, and up to Caledonia falls in the Troodos. But most of all enjoy yourself and have a brandy sour under a jacaranda for me. kali spera x
Great news Bluebell, so pleased to hear it !!! Be careful in Cyprus with the sun on your affected arm., and also the midges. It was 44 degrees when I was there late August. Wonderful place.
Have a lovely trip, take care
Hi Lesley
I rememer too well waiting for my bone and liver scan results and the nurse ringing to give me them. It flashed through my mind "well if it’s bad she wouldn’tbe telling me on the phone ! then she said your results are back and they are clear. God what a relief. I just sat and cried. My hubby sat and cried with me. My youngest went out and bought a beautiful card which made me cry and a bottle of champagne. What a good way to celebrate. The best news I had since been diagnosed.
I have just had my 4th chemo and 2 to go. It seems a long way ahead but it soon goes. I have 5 weeks of radiotherapy after and a year Herceptin and mean to be here for many years yet. !!
Have a great time in Cyprus, been many times , mainly with my dad because he went there loads with my mum before she died and felt close to her there.
Love and hugs
Brenda xxx
Hi Bluebell,
Oh you made me smile, congratulations. I’ve been contacted by my consultant today to have a bone scan! Immediately my bones started aching again! It’s weird how you start trying to diagnose every ache and pain yourself. People think I’m weird as Im constantly poking myself, bending and twisting to see if it feels bone or muscular! When I see him I’m also going to ask if I can have my liver checked out. I hate it all…
Have a fab holiday. It’s the only time I seem to relax these days.