• Hi I haven’t been on here for sometime. Was diagnosed in May 2014 with BC.  Had 3 rounds of Chemo and 19 Rads. Only had 3 Chemo as it was making me very ill. I have had bad shoulder and knee pain for over a year. Oncologist suggested it was the Letrozol. My GP told me to stop for 3 weeks to see if it was indeed the Letrozol.  However it wasn’t. Went for my annual check up and saw a new Surgeon. He referred me for a Nuclear Scan that I had today. Had the full body scan and was seated outside so that they could check to see if it was OK. Recalled after a few minutes and was told they needed to do a 360 degree scan and a CT Scan of my shoulders as they weren’t to sure of what they had. Now am worried sick I may have secondary bone cancer. My head is all over the place 

Hiya nel
Welcome to the family …it’s a case of playing the waiting game for results but it sounds like the hospital are being very thorough and double checking.
Fingers crossed everything will b fine.
Hugs xxx

Neil, sorry to hear of your distress. Scans are awful and the waiting for results is unbearable but as Carolyn said, at least your team are being thorough. I have been in the situation where things have been missed and believe me that’s worse. I have only recently found out that the secondaries have spread to my bones but the ladies on here were a wonderful support and offered loads of advice. We are all ,holding your hand,. Please keep posting and let us know how things go. Someone is always here for you.xx

Hi Neil

Think the waiting the worse when you had scans tests etc , good luck and sending positive thoughts for you

Karen x