Bone Scans


Can any one give me advise here. Having lots of problems with back pain and my gp sent me for a bone scan everything that showed up was degenerative except one area which could be malignant. He then sent me for an xray which showed nothing. I know bone scans are more sensitive but do you think there could be anything if x ray clear?

See oncologist next week but worried sick

any advise anyone?


I’m in the same position - awaiting clarification on a bone scan that showed activity followed by an X ray that was inconclusive. My onc seems to think the bone scan is more determinative (if that’s a word), as nothing shows up on an xray until there is structural damage to the bone. So there could be something there that isn’t showing up on an xray, but I wouldn’t have thought it would be causing pain at such an early stage, and there are other innocent causes of hot spots on bone scans. It is quite difficult to be certain about bone mets - I do have one that was only finally confirmed as a met very recently after a bone scan revealed it had regressed after chemo. If your onc can’t give you a definite answer, I would ask for an MRI scan. I hope it does turn out to be innocent, but if it doesn’t the MRI will give you a baseline from which to tell if treatment is successful.

Good luck - I know just how horrible it is to be in this position.

finty xx

Sorry I have maybe mislead you finty the pain was at the top of my back and is caused by wear and tear but they found this other hot spot and that is what they are thinking could be malignant.

Unfortunatley keep thinking the worst.


Hi Joan,sorry to hear you have this worry over the hot spot. I was diagnosed with 5 hot spots during my chemo last year. Its not as bad as it sounds. I take one tablet a day (bone strenghthener) and have regular checks. They are not able to cure these secondaries but they can contain them - I have heard of areas healing as well from other ladies on here.I get a bit of back pain but generally they dont bother me in the least. guess what I am trying to say is, if a hot spot is confirmed, dont panic too much, lots can be done. Hope this helps a little, Debbie x

Hi Debonair

How do you monitor your mets and how often? Is there any way other than regular scans?

Bone scans are more definite than X rays as the radioactive fluid they inject is absorbed by areas of weakness where damage has taken place. This applies to areas of Secondaries but I’m not sure if it would also show up areas such as osteoporosis. Hotspots show up as most likely areas of mets but I also think they can be other areas of damage - but I’m not sure. Also, I learnt recently, if you have bone mets it is unlikely to be only in one place, so if another area does show up now on scans it was possible it was there before. My bone mets are kept in check by bisphosphonate tablets, 1 a day, and also hormone tablets as my BC is hormone positive. I go for 6 monthly checkups, usually a CT scan is involved rather than a bone scan as my onc says they use the bone scan as a diagnostic tool rather than a monitoring tool - this could be different elsewhere.
Good luck and the waiting for results is definitely one of the worst bits.
Nicky x

Hi Finty, I have CT scans to monitor the mets - one is due next month. As Nicky said they can see more on that than a bone scan or normal xrays. Hope this helps, Debbie x

Thanks Debbie - hope you get good results form your upcoming scan.

Hi Girls

Thank you all for your helpful and positive comments. I do have oesteopia at the top on my spine and this is what they were checking out when this hot spot showed up at the bottom of my spine. So I have managed to convince my self if there is anything there they have caught it very very early which is great. But a huge worry as well.

Actually seeing my oncologist tomorrow not next week so hopefully he will be able to tell me something positive.

will let you all know and thanks again



Wishing you good results Tomorrow!

Nicky x

Hi Joanni and Everyone, I found out that I had three hot spots once I had a bone scan and I also take one tablet a day (Bondronat) to stablise them. They don’t give me any grief, or very little, just the odd pin prick from time to time and the ONC says that the chemo will help them anyway. He doesn’t seem too bothered about them, so I’m not going to be either. My main worry is the liver mets, but I’m coping ok with the treatment apart from the sleeplessness. I think it’s the steroids, so I take the last lot about 5.0pm instead of later at night and I also take a Tamezapam tablet. Then I usually manage about 5 or 6 hours uninterrupted. I did this last night after my 11 sesh yesterday and I got as far as 5.00a.m. so not too bad. Anyway, hope you are all well and scan and test results are good for everyone. Lotsa love, Dianne x x x

Hi Girls

Again thanks for all the helpful comments.

Saw the oncologist today and he really couldn’t say much xray clear as he would have expected. Did say some people do have oestos something he said he would have to say at this stage clinicaly un proven!!they only way to find exactly was to give me a mri scan as i think you said Finty. Anyway could be two to three weeks till I get that so it is just more waiting.

Just wish i knew what we were dealing with here, patience not one of my strengths but we will have to wait and see. No news is good news !!!

will keep you posted


Hi Joanni

I’m sorry you will have another wait - but it’s good news that the x ray was clear, and there are several causes for hot spots other than mets. I heard from my onc yesterday, they have reviewed all my scans now - bone, xray and ct, and decided my new hot spot is probably nothing. I hadn’t realised before bc that scans can be so inconclusive - it’s frustrating not being able to get a definite result, but onc seems happy just to keep an eye on it. Let us know how your mri goes.


Got a cancellation scan on Friday afternoon so to phone oncologist tomorrow so hopefully this week will see the end of the uncertainty.!!!


Hi all,
On this issue of scans, my CT scans have been showing bone mets in my pelvis for a year now (no pain) and no treatment as I have liver mets that are being treated well at the moment. However my onc wanted me to have bone scan just to give a clear baseline against which to monitor future progression. However the bone scan showed NO evidence of mets. His explanation is that the ct shows damage to bone just like an x ray whilst the bone scan shows metabolically active cancer. My understanding is that I have scarring from bone mets but they are held inactive by the letrazole I am taking. I always thought these scans gave clear pictures!

Hi Louise - I had the opposite - an MRI to establish a baseline for bone mets. Excellent news that your liver chemo is holding the bone mets at bay - I hope it is working as well for your liver. I was under the impression that chemo isn’t very successful with bone mets, although mine did respond to tax.

Hi everyone,

thanks for all the advise. The xrays are clear but the isotone scan has definitely shown something up at present we just dont know what. Had my mri scan on Friday so hopefully that will tell us if it is bone mets or something else. See the oncologist next week so hopefully by then I will know what i am deal with :slight_smile:
