bone scans

Hi Ladies

I have to have a bone scan on Monday and they say it involves having an injection a couple of hours before the scan, what happens at the scan I am scared of the unknown, please can someone put my mind at rest…


Hi Pam,

Don’t panic, i had one the other day.

it is just a small injection in the vein, then you come back a few hours later for a scan after injection has sort of highlighted your bones.

The scan took about 20 mins, you lie on a bed and the scanner moves over you, it will be quite close to your face at first but don’t worry it is only there for couple of mins then you can see past scanner to the ceiling, then it will slowly move down the body.

all you have to do is lie still and relax.

It is not scary at all.


Hi Pam

Guess who?!

Had one myself in June, second one. The radiographer will inject you and then send you orff for 3 hours and you have to drink as much as possible. When you go back you are in a large room (they call it a suite but there are no armchairs, coffee tables…) and the machine has a long length of couch out of it at one end. You lie down, on your back, take any necklace off beforehand, fully clothed but no metal i.e. no zippers or metal buttons (I wore a dress with plastic buttons all the way down the front). They put a piece of foam under your knees so you can rest your legs on and not be uncomfortable. Then they (I actually only saw one person the entire time) go to the controls, same room but probably behind you, and you start to go through the machine feet first. Don’t worry there is bags of room around you, think it took about 20 minutes. For the next 24 hours you flush the loo twice in case someone gets a splash from the bowl - your urine will be slightly radioactive! Don’t go near small kiddies unless you have a wicked streak!!!

Hope this helps - wasn’t scary at all, just cost me a fortune at the hospital car park!

Love D

i am sorry u need a bone scan but please can someone tell me y people r having it i am new to this and ignorant is it somthing i should ask for. good luck all

Hi Pam

I had a bone scan back in July and honestly there is no pain involved, apart from little jab of the needle going in. You are injected with something which makes you slightly radioactive, then you have to wait for about 3 hours before the scan can start. I had to lie on a bed for 40 mins while this machine passed over the top of me and then underneath me (but they were updating the system the week after), so might be an old fashioned one … not sure. No pain as I said, just have to lie so still.

I hope you get on OK and the results are good. Let us know when you can.


Hi Pam,

wishing you well for your bone scan tomorrow. I had one a few months ago and it was absolutely fine. Just to echo what you’ve already been told, its really important to drink loads when they send you off for a couple of hours. The more fluids you can drink the better the images apparently!

I ended up being so relaxed during mine I actually fell asleep for the 30 mins it took!!

Take care and let us know how you get on,


Hi Princess and Dawn

thank you for putting my mind at rest, I wont get the results until the 9th apparently as it is just a precaution, so will let you know…

Lots of Love