Hi Max
I’ve not been able to post on this thread before but wishing you all the best with your treatment and that chemo halts all the secondary spread as it does for so many of us. I have bone mets and had chemo on my dx as I also had a local recurrence. As many ladies have said on here there are lots of treatments available some harsher than others but we all seem to cope after the initial shock of diagnosis and deal with the rubbish hand that we’ve been dealt. I’ve had mets for 2 years now but, once chemo was finished, have been lucky enough to get on with life and live it to the fullest and appreciate every day. I hope you can adjust to this new state and you get any support you need either on here, family or your BC team.
Good luck
Nicky x

Zippy and Max - hope things went ok for you, jayne x

Hi All

I was diagnosed with bone mets in july last year but now have spread to my liver dont have any mets in lungs but thought you all wouldnt mind me joining in with giving my good wishes to maximise and everybody dealing with progression right now

love julie xxx

Hi Max,
I’ve only just caught up with this thread, and now i’m wondering how you got on at the onc and what the plan is. i always found it was much easier once a plan was in place, and i also didn’t feel so alone as the whole med team rallied round to provide it. I hope it’s the same for you.
I’m a liver girl - diagnosed at same time as primary in 2007. Coming up for my 3 year anniversary in march.
Wishing you all the best
jacquie x

hi to everyone who has responded. I am finally out of hospital got home this afternoon, after being taken in last week to have drain removed and surgery to try and inflate my lung in preparation for starting chemo. Been a tough week to say the least, but home now and plan is to start chemo next tuesday, which i am struggling to get my head around i know i need to recuperate from the op but i am still panicking thinking of all whats goin on inside my body. its terrifying. It helps to read alot of your comments and i am goin to read this thread again and see who is who as my head is all muddled up and with just getting home this afternoon. being home never felt so good !!!
ok going to try ands chill out and get my thoughts together just thought i would pop in and let u all know the latest update.
love to everyone x x

Hi Max
Glad to hear you are home, at least once chemo starts next week you will feel something is being done. Rest and recover from the operation, you’ll need to gain strength.
Take it easy
P x

Hi Max,
Thanks for coming on to give us an update - it’s good to hear you’re home. Now just pamper yourself, take it easy, accept all offers of help, and try not to worry about next week - concentrate on getting yourself rested and strong.
Love Jacquie x

Hi Max

Good to hear you are home and first step of your treatment is over. As everyone says be good to yourself this week and do what your body tells you to get strong.

Sun is shining here in the Highlande hope it is shining on you and raises your spirits. Good luck for next week, good to get chemo started to soon.

Love Anne xx

hi max

glad you are home :slight_smile: dont run before you can walk tho :slight_smile:


ps. i got my ct scan results and the c is stable, had hoped for more shrinkage, but stable is still as good :slight_smile:

thanks for your replies girls, yes just taking it easy there is nothing else for it. it does help the sun is shining too lifts the spirits a little bit. Trying not to think to far ahead even until TUesday, just one day at a time.

Zippy, glad to hear your results showed stability although yes can imagine you were hoping for shrinkage but as long as things arent progressing then thats great!!!

ALso the onc. mentioned to me last tuesday that it would be weekly Taxol chemotherapy he would be administering, so I will be asking him on tuesday why this one, does anyone have any experience of this kind ?

thanks in advance, love max

Hi Max - I had weekly taxol 18 sessions last year - found it pretty tolerable - i had steroids before which made me quite energetic for a couple of days - then very tired for a day - then Ok . I didn’t opt for a cold cap so lost my hair! but managed to work all the way through it ! A couple of sessions were persponed a week as I had a cold …but that was through winter - hope its ok for you - apparently weekly taxol is ‘kinder’ than having it every three weeks, which is sometimes given - good luck with it! Jayne x

Hi Max, I had 12 weekly Taxol last year and found it very tolerable. I had it on a Monday and felt a little ‘ropey’ on a Wednesday so went to bed early and apart from the hair loss that was it. As Jayne says it is kinder than the 3 weekly dose. So good luck and hope it goes as well for you.
Love Lesley x

Hi Zippy, Am I right in thinking you are on Xeloda and if so how many cycles have you had before your ct scan. I’ve had 4 and am seeing my Onc tomorrow so wondering if he will ask for a scan. Just now geting sore feet and big toe nail feels very sore but otherwise ok.
Lesley x

thanks girls that sounds reassuring. I am not goin to opt for cold cap this time had it when i went through my primary treatment although still ended up losing my hair, so not going to put myself through that again. hopefully i will be able to tolerate this regime ok

Hi Max
As everyone else has said, look after yourself and make sure everyone else is looking after you as well! I haven’t got experience of Taxol but it sounds like the weekly dose is a bit more forgiving that the 3 weekly! As to not using the cold cap I know where you’re coming from! You know what to expect this time round and can probably deal with the side effects whether its hair loss of nausea in a different way. Good Luck for Tuesday and make sure you have a good weekend - get some fresh air if you are up to it and the weather is nice where you are.
Nicky x
ps - forgot to add - great news Zippy!

I too just wanted to send you my best wishs for Tuesday, hope you find the Taxol easier than anticipated.

Zippy - hope you remain stable for a long, long time.


thanks girls for your good wishes, feel very weak and physically unfit for chemo, dont know if its still the recuperation from the surgery or the cancer thats making me feel so ill, its probably both !!! I just hope tomorrow things can move forward instead of this horrible limbo land where each day i feel worse, went to bed on Saturday night, fell into a sleep and woke a few hours later my first thought was oh i had a dreadful dream … god then the tears started, it wasnt a dream, its happening and its my life just now,and my families, just so awful everyone going through this.

thanks again girls will keep u all posted xx

I can’t tell you how sorry i am. I wish you strength and hope, and sending you the biggest cuddle. Thinking of you x

hope today goes well, you ar in my thoughts.

Hi Max, hope you get your chemo and start feeling the benefits as soon as possible and hope the side effects aren’t too bad. Good Luck.
Nicky x