thanks girls for your good wishes, well chemo commenced today I actually wasnt expecting it as have been feeling so lousy !!! anyway other than complete exhaustion I feel o.k feeling hungry at the moment although frightened i will be sick or feel sick if I eat. Going to get hickman line put in on MOnday as the carry on with the veins is beyond a joke, today was a total nightmare trying to find a vein and all the prodding and poking about not pleasant, but feel a bit easier knowing I am getting this procedure done.

thanks again folks x x

Hi…I hope the hickman makes things a little easier for you…xxx

Hi Maximise,
I have a hickman line in for my chemo as have now lymph nodes at all now and my viens are rubbish anyway. The hickman line was no bother getting put in they froze the area and gave me a little sedation, it worked no bother and i hardly remember a thing and definately did not feel anything at all, and it has made a big difference with getting bloods done and administering chemo, so hopefully you will find a big difference too as you have enough going on just now.
Take care and warm wishes
love reneexx

thanx belinda and renee. That has put my mind at rest Renee, I was worrying thinking of it getting put in as had a horrific experience lately of getting a chest drain put in under local anaesthetic, was told i would feel mild tugging and some pressure I have never felt pain like it definitely one of the worst things i have endured but got the feeling the doctor didnt have a clue what he was doing, it was a disgrace. So when I was told this was getting put in just with local anaesthetic alarm bells were ringing again !!! thats good though x