Hi all, had a boob job on wed, an implant in my good side, tomatch my recon on the bad side. All went well with op and I was out same day, a little sickness thats all. That was on Wed and all was good, but this morning I have woke up in agony. I dont have a temperature but feel hotter then normal, joints ache and the boob feels like its too big for the skin n its gonna break out - sorry not a very good description but thats what its like. It was already swollen which was to be expected, and doesnt look that different from yest. Just wanted to know if anyone has any experience with this that can tell me if its normal please. I have taken some Tramadol which is a very strong painkiller which I had left from my LD recon a few months ago and it had eased it a bit, but im concerned and I dont go back to the breast until until Monday.
Whilst you wait for the other users to reply with their experience and advice do give the helpline a call to talk this through. Here you can talk with a trained member of staff who will be able to offer you information and support. The lines are open today until 2pm and the number is 0808 800 6000.
If you are in a lot a pain may I suggest you contact your out of hours GP or your local A & E department.
I had a boob job some years ago. It was uncomfortable and felt ‘heavy’ for a while and I did get twinges of pain, but I wouldn’t have described it as agony.
I think it’s a good thing that the swelling hasn’t got any worse and your temperature is OK which suggests that there isn’t an infection?
But I’m no doctor! So it would be best to contact your GP or A&E if you are at all concerned, they will be able to reassure you.
Hi ness, just wrote you a long post out, now its gone ! your temp is high and you have pain,both indicating infection, you may need antibiotics, I would contact out of hours and take some paracetamol or nurofen to help lower your temperature in the meantime. hope you feel better soon x
hi all, just to keep you all posted. This moring I have been to out of hours gp service. I have indeed got an infection. Ive had a rotton night, high temp and boob started swelling, not felt this rotton since chemo. I had the choice of being admitted or starting 2 lots of antibitcs, I chose to come home and start the tablets. I took the first two tablets at about 10.45 and have been asleep since then. Just woke up and do feel a bit better already, the pains have eased throughout my body just boob now.
Thanks for everyones comments when I needed some advice, will keep you posted, I am back to see my surgeon tomorrow.
Ness xx
Hi all, just wanted to keep you posted. I was admitted to hospital on Monday afternoon after being very sick, couldnt keep anything down, only discharged today. Felt rotton all week, had scan on boob on thurs where they had to draw off 100mls of horrid stuff from round the implant. My surgeon has been off all week but I am back to see him on monday although his colleague has told me that in this type of case 90% will have to have the implant removed. So I have prepared myself for this event, will post back on monday n report. What a week, this was suposed to be the easy bit of the whole journey!!
hope you dont have to have the implant removed, I had ld flap last year and in jan , the fat in the boob started to die off, I was on antibis in hospital for a week, and had aspirations. i was told it was the chemo which reduced the red blood cells hence starved the boob.
The boob is now like a shrivelled prune and is still draining fat from a sinus which just came out of no where.
Feeling really fed up right now. Have had further aspiration on boob, fluid much less and lookin better - aparantly. Do surgeon is off again this week (how unfortunate, he had a week on a course now a weeks holiday) I am due to see him on Monday, had major blip today, boob is hot and very red again, had calmed down a bit. Phoned lovely nurse on breast unit who advised me to get more antibiotics from docs, which I have, this will be the forth lot and to keep on with them until visit on monday. Im sure that they will remove the implant now - I hope so, fed up with it, I cant keep feeling this way and having to get is aspirated with no noticeable benefits. Im just scared now that I have this infection in my body which wont go away, its like I can feel it taking over, and im very scared. What if it spreads everywhere in my body, I know these thoughts are a bit extreme but thats how I feel.
I have trawled tho these forums trying to find help and there are one or two similar experiences, but I want to be reassured that once the implant comes out that I will heal up and have no/little lasting damage. At the mo I just have all these images in my head of a bug eating all my flesh inside and I cant see whats happening.
Sorry for the garbled rant - stuff’s always worse at, erm 2.21am!
Sorry to read that you have been so worried, I know we have posted this before but please do feel free to call our helpline for further support and information from our team of specialist nurses, the number to call is 0808 800 6000, it’s open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2.