Its been four weeks since surgery (WLE) and my boob is still rock hard near the cut and surrounding area. Is this normal. Does it ever feel soft again,I will be having Rads soon so I know it will change. But at the moment I feel like I have a case ball under my arm !!!
there’s still a hard bit by my scar 4 months on - under arm is numb but that’s going to always be like it apparently.
Mine is also very hard and lumpy 3 weeks after surgery. Felt a bit worried, like the tumor had come back already - but maybe it’s normal - scar tissue?
yes, I think it’s most likely to be scar tissue - but I’d mention it to bcn -I will when I see mine next.
Mine is like that too, 17 days after surgery… Under arm is numb and have a burnt/sensitive feeling all down the back of my arm. Have kind of got used to that now! Can lift my arms above my head and stretch quite well, although cons did say I appear to have some “cording”…
Am nearly 3 months post surgery. Breast started to ‘soften’ a bit but now coming to end of rads (last one in an hour) and it feels harder again Quite lumpy too. Oh dear.
Thanks everyone.I feel a bit better now. I guess I should have asked more questions,but fool that I am thought that when the lump was removed my boob would still feel the same. I know it will get harder and smaller after rads but that has been through the knowledge I have gained on this site. Thanks to all my friends and BCC xxx
I was told my breast would never be the same ! Don’t mind getting told how it is tho…
Had WLE in Feb and still have large lump round the WLE,it’s around the areola,cut around took out lump shoogled it up a bit and stitched up, looks great and not much difference in appearance but feels a bit bizarre. Rads made my whole boob perk up, quite a feat seeing as they are 40 e,and harden,but then started to soften again but 10 weeks after rads something didn’t feel right and it started to feel sore and heavy and swollen. Had a hell of a time to get a referal to lymphodema specialist,as gp told me I had mastitis and bcn said it was rads damage,that was an over the phone diagnosis.Anyway, I made enough of a fuss got my appointment and was told that I now have lymphodema to breast,side and arm,only mild but it’s there and needing treatment. You just have got to get to know your new shape and feel what is right for you. Good luck.
Sandra x
4 weeks since my WLE, and scar area feels ok. Infact shape and size of that breast seem better than before as matches other breast now lol.Previoiusly left breast was slightly bigger than right.
But Under arm scar still feels a bit tender and am on antibiotics atm as it was weeping a bit. Also slight tender feeling on left inner arm from elbow to underarm.
my boob was rock hard around WLE for about 6 weeks post surgery. it eventually softend and now just feels like scar tissue. i’m awaiting rads (had wle in april)so have not had that damage to deal with yet. i was concerned after my surgery and got my BCN to check it out. maybe you could ask to be checked by BCN just to ease your worries… it helped me. xx
Hi all,
Had my surgery in may and still have a bit of lumpyness around my scar - i figure this is normal though as still have hardness around the scar 11 yrs on from my C-section!
Thanks everyone, I was feeling a bit anxious this morning as I had noticed my boob was hard next to the WLE and I wondered if this was normal. Had my op nearly two weeks ago and due to start radiotherapy towards the end of Sept I think. From your comments it would seem this is the norm. Thank goodness for BCC and all you lovely ladies.
Also did anyone else put any cream on their boob after the op to aid healing for example Bio Oil or E45? It wasn’t mentioned to me but a work colleague who had one a few years ago said she did this and it helped. Also I do find that I tend to overdo things a bit and then my arm and chest will start complaining by feeling v sore with shooting pains. I too have the burning/sensitive feeling under my arm but believe this is something that lessens over time.
Chris xx
Hi laurasue, I’ve used Bio oil on my boob for the last week.The BCN did advise to moisturise my boob and arm. Bio Oil is on special on Amazon at the moment.£12.95 instead of £20.00. It suits my skin which can be very sensitive.See Rads thread laurasue.There was a big debate on what creams to use. Jellylegs.
Hi Chris and all,
I’m 2 and a half weeks post surgery and rock hard either side of the scar and where the original lump was (scar is midpoint between lump location and sentinel nodes). I also have titanium clips around where the margins were taken so that when I have rads they’ll know where to zap as my scar isn’t over my lump place if you see what I mean.
I have got my surgeon to check by breast twice now because of this hardness and it is just scar tissue!!!
Hi HurdyGurdy
At last… someone else who has the titanium clips!! I thought I had imagined it ! My scar is on left breast in a downward line quite near the nipple, but the “lump” was a lot nearer the middle, virtually on my bra line.So they put the incision further over for cosmetic reasons…but no-one ever explained that this is why I had the clips !!Sometimes I think I can feel them…
Hope you ( all ) are ok today
Anna x
What date did you have your op? Was it 21st aug ? Just looking for a twin…!