I’ll kick off. If I put the title, author and genre (eg Historical, Romance, Crime, Science Fiction), is that ok?
The Faded Sun by C J Cherryh, Science Fiction. This is a trilogy, but you can get it all in one book.
This is an all-time favourite of mine, and I’m gutted that I still can’t get it on my Kindle! I have the paperback, though, as it was one I brought with me when I moved after culling hundreds (probably) of books.
Brief description: a human man is on an alien world as an ambassador for peace. Peace breaks down, however, and he is kidnapped by the Mri, who take him on an epic journey back to their home world. During the journey, he converts to their way of life, and tries to become a warrior. He ends up brokering peace between Humans and the Mri. It’s not as violent as that sounds - lots of background story of all characters, and peaceful interludes. I’m going to havs to reread it now!
The Girl In The Red Coat by Kate Hamer. Crime/Mystery.
I have just finished this one - recommended to me by my Aunt. It’s about an 8 year old girl who is abducted by an American “preacher” when he hears of her healing abilities. The story goes back and forth between the mothers point of view and the girls. It is beautifully written, and is not traumatic. I won’t spoil the end for you.
Thats two to kick off with. I could go on and on with favourite books, but I won’t bore you. This is in addition to the book club for the avid readers amongst us. No discussion needed afterwards, unless you want to. Do join in, and post about your favourite, or just read, books. Hopefully, you might discover a new favourite book or genre.
Hugs. Barton.x