Booked a place on the Younger Women’s Together event in Bristol ?

Hello my is Tracey and I am 44 years old.I was diagnosed in May 2017.Started chemo in june,surgery in October and finished radio 10th Jan 2018.My husband and my 20 year daughter have been amazing throught out my treatmeant.Looking forward to meeting you all.This will be testing me as well as i am normally very quiet and shy…also quick question has anyone had any problems with their bones x

Hi, I’m Silvia, I was diagnosed in July 2017 when I was 38. I completed my chemo and am going to have double mx next week. Some people asked how I feel about that, I found it hard to explain, it’s a mixed feeling… will be nice to be together with people who just know what is like to be in this journey at our age. Looking forward to meet you all.

Hi everyone,

I’m Kim, I was diagnosed 5th November 16 (fireworks night will never be the same again…) when I was 32, I’ve had surgery, chemo and radiotherapy and I’ve only got three more herceptins to go! I’ve not met any one my own age so really looking forward to this! I’ve really turned a corner in the last month and it’s so good to start to feel like this nightmare might be over. See you all Friday Kim x

Hi, I’m Sarah and I was diagnosed exactly a year ago today (30th Jan 2017) at age 43 after a breast reduction. So my journey has all been backwards! I have 3 kids, 2 boys and a girl aged 9, nearly 8 and 4. I havent met anyone anywhere near my age yet so it will be nice to do that. Im very much into alternative/complimentary treatment but am open minded to all and believe everyone should do whats best for themselves ?

Hi Everyone, my name is Lillian and I was diagonosed in November 2016, when I was 33. I’ve had a lumpectomy, fertility treatment, radiotherapy and am now taking Zoladex and Exemestane. In the middle of my treatment I also got married and went honeymoon, 2017 was certainly eventful! Looking forward to meeting you all and hearing your experiences, it’ll be good to hear from ladies of the same age. :smileyhappy:

Hi I’m Winnie. I was diagnosed in Sept 2016 and finished my treatment in the summer of 2017. I’m 43 and don’t have kids, but want them… so that’s a biggie for me. I’m taking endocrine treatment and will do for years, but only now am I’m starting to accept that things aren’t done. And they probably never will be. New normal I guess.

 Hi there. My name is Becky and I was diagnosed in April 2016 when i was 40. I have two children (now 11 and 13) and they have been amazing over the last few years. I have had chemotherapy and a mastectomy, with an immediate diep reconstruction. I am doing very well physically but still definitely struggling with the emotional side to it all, this is one of the reasons I’m really looking forward to this weekend. I am really excited about meeting you all.

Hi everyone, I’m really looking forward to tomorrow.

I’m Karen and I’m 38 years old. I found a lump in my breast this exact week one year ago… And was diagnosed 2 weeks later with grade 3 IDC. I was 37 with a 4 year old and 2 year old, good career and I’d just started an MSc. I then went on to have a lumpectomy, 6xFEC chemo and a double mastectomy. I’ve just started Zoladex and exemestane and I’m uncertain about what this really means.

I’m also struggling with quite profound memory loss and have been referred to neurology, so apologies in advance if I forget your name or we have the same conversation twice!


Hi ladies

Just wanted to say hi and how lovely it was meeting you all this weekend!

Lucy x

Yes it was a great 2 days. Very emotionally and mentally draining, I’m exhausted today but also feeling very inspired :relaxed:

Sarah x (with the red/pink? hair)

I had a lovely weekend too. Very emotional and exhausting but in a very positive and healing way. All this had felt rather isolated so it was great to meet so many in similar circumstances. Have been cleaning the house all afternoon as it managed to get in a state in my absence!!!

Lovely to meet all you lovely ladies this weekend had a lovely time.
Because I have the most terrible memory I have a couple of random questions!
We were talking about mindfulness apps and someone recommended the headspace app and someone else said that if you registered with something you can upgrade for free anyone remember what that was thanks ?
Also myself and some of the other ladies were talking about getting our repeat prescriptions and someone said they order there’s online and get it delivered for free! Any idea how I do that and what website I need to go too?
Thanks Charlotte x

Just wanted to say how lovely it was to meet you all last Friday and Saturday and to feel less alone about all of this. It was interesting for me to hear so many different views about what we are all experiencing.

I know that Stephanie has already sent out a blind e-mail about this and I would be happy to meet up for a casual tea / coffee and chat in a central Bristol location, say towards the end of this month. If everyone wanted, we could make it a regular, once a month thing, for example, first Saturday morning or third Wednesday afternoon of the month. Just to be clear, I don’t want to exclude anyone not from Bristol but just seeking a location that would work for the majority of us. Welcome suggestions for locations such as St Nicholas Market, Old Assembly Rooms…

I wish you all the best for your treatments and outcomes and don’t be a stranger if we bump into each other in Oncology or at Southmead. 


Kind regards, 


Hi everyone, 


Just found links to the free exercise at home vids. I mentioned to a few people: 

This one’s for more energetic days:

There’s loads of variations on the number of miles, intensity and focus of the exercise. 


This one’s for when the chemo. has you zapped but you still don’t want to lose muscle tone:





I like the idea of a regular meeting Geetha. I live in Chippenham but could get the train so a venue near Temple Meads would be great. I would prefer a weekend day as I’ll be back at work finally in April xxx

Hi All , I am so new to this post:smileyvery-happy:  Looking forward to meet friends at edinburgh event on the 23rd and 24th March . I would be travelling from warrington  any one going ? Looking forward to come out of my comfort zone for once after being diagnosed .