Booked a place on the Younger Women’s Together event in Bristol ?

Booked a place on the Younger Women’s Together event in Bristol but worried about going alone?



Every year we receive queries from women, including concerns about coming along to the event on their own. Feedback from previous events has said how helpful it was to talk before the event.


This thread is a chance for you to say hello and “meet” others attending the Younger Women Together. I will check in regularly and if you have any questions do let me know and I will do my best to answer them.


Look forward to meeting you all on Friday.




Hi. My name is Emma and I’m looking forward to the event. I am 36 and I found out I had breast cancer when my son was 4 months old. I have had treatment over the last 18 months but am now getting better and getting things back on track. I wanted to come to this event as I haven’t managed to meet many others with this of my age!

I am looking forward to  Friday and meeting others that understand the highs and lows. 

I feel so fortunate that I am coming out the other side of this but still amazed at how emotional I get.

I just started on tamoxifen last week and I know it is the right thing to do, but I really didn’ want to start taking it. The side effect list sounded so horrible, but the rational bit of my brain (that sometimes still works) has made me realise that i am not likely to experience all these things from day 1!

Hi my names Angharad im looking forward to meeting everyone Friday, i was diagnosed in 2016 when i was 43. Two weeks ago i had surgery and have had an expander implant put in! i really feel ive turned that corner now. I love your comment Emma on meeting people around your age, i havent really met any younger ladies and thought this weekend is just what ive been looking for except im going to be the oldest ?

Thanks Angharad. I have met nice people in the hospital but they are all 40 years older than me! Of course you can get on with ppl of any age but it does mean our experience of it all is quite different. It also emphasises how young we are to get this and meeting other younger ladies would be great. I have great friends and sisters to talk to about it but, try as they do, they don’t quite “get it”.


Hi my name is Lucy, i’m 36 years old and i was diagnosed 18th Dec 2017.

I’ve got 3 children and I’ve just started FEC-T.

I’m really looking forward to making friends and meeting others of a similiar age.


Hi My name is Charlotte although most people call me Charlie, unlike most of you I had my diagnosis back in December 2013 when I was 36, unfortunately my sister Amy was also diagnosed with breast cancer shortly after my treatment finished. So we will both be attending this weekend! We both look forward to meeting you all.

Hi, I’m Lisa and am very much looking forward to meeting some lovely people who have had similar experiences to me. I was diagnosed in Jan ‘17 at the age of 36 and finished active treatment last September . I’m now trying to rebuild my life and navigate the new feelings I have now I’m no longer in hospital all the time! My two children at 8 and 5 years are great distractions but the ‘wobbly’ moments are never far away…
See you Friday ?

Yes you have to have been there and done it with something like this!

Hi everyone! I’m Karyn & I was diagnosed November 2014 at age 42 (So I’ll probably be the oldest, Angharad ?) I’ve 2 kids - 8 & 11 at diagnosis. Returned to work after a year off (had a hysterectomy too!), but still struggling. Looking forward to meeting up.

What does everyone wear for dinner on the Friday night?

Is it dressy? Looking for a chance to dress up and feel good about myself!

Hi ladies, I’m Sarah and was diagnosed last May. I am really looking forward to meeting you all this weekend, just before I start rads on Monday. I’m 45, married with an 11 going on 16 year old daughter. 

Hadn’t thought about what to wear Friday night I must admit. Sadly don’t have much that is dressy but could stretch to a smart top! ? or maybe a dress.

Lovely to hear from so many of you ladies already. Shows me it is definitely not just me!

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Hi I’m Michaela. I was diagnosed on 28th Dec 2017 when I was 35 years old. I have had chemotherapy, radiotherapy and a mastectomy. I am currently having Herceptin injections, Zoladex injections and taking Exemestane tablets. I went back to work full time in September and still feel very tired by Friday afternoons. I have three children who are age 12, 11 and 8. Looking forward to meeting you all on Friday

Hi Emma, I do not have any smart dresses or evening wear that fits me anymore. Zoladex has made me gain weight ? I could probably find a nice top and black jeans x

Hi everyone. I finished chemo just before Christmas and had a lumpectomy 2w ago. I was diagnosed in July 2017. My children are 2y9m and 9m. Radiotherapy is next. Very much looking forward to meeting you all. And hopefully having a whole night’s sleep. I’m 43 too Angharad. So there’ll be a few older younger women.

Maths not strongest at the moment! Blame baby /chemo brain!

Kayla I was thinking jeans and top too. Also have some nice evening things that are too small!!!

Nice to read a bit about you all ladies. Definitely looking forward to meeting ppl with similar experiences and to talk through things.

Hi everyone, I’m Sam aged 34. Diagnosed last October, under went a mastectomy in December. Looking forward to meeting you all, it’ll be great to get to know some people a similar age who understand! I’ve a 18month daughter and a good support network, but sometimes you just need someone who ‘gets it’.
See you all Friday x